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Victorian Fiction:
Various Authors

Home > Victorian Fiction > Various Authors

Here we have the inevitable "miscellaneous" category of Victorian fiction. Some of the authors included here will undoubtedly be familiar names - including Henry James, Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, and more. Others may be less familiar. In the former category, we've included the stories simply because they are by well-known authors (and we admit we haven't read them all!). In the latter category, we've selected stories on the simple basis of enjoyment. If we've read it and liked it, it's included here. Since there are still hundreds of stories to be found in our magazine collection that we haven't had a chance to read yet, there's a chance this section may grow over time! This section includes short stories and serials, first by author and then by date of publication.

Alden, W.L.
Carter's Incandescent Cats (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
A Scientific Balloon (Windsor Magazine, 1896A)
Besieged (Windsor Magazine, 1899B)
Pratt's Cats (The Strand, 1900B)

Anstey, F.
The Brass Bottle (119 pages) (The Strand, 1900AB)
The Adventure of the Snowing Globe (The Strand, 1905B)
"Ferdie," (The Strand, 1907B)
The Changelings (The Strand, 1910B)

Augusta, Clara
Too Much of a Good Thing (Peterson's, 1866)

A Passion in the Desert (The Strand, 1891A)

Barr, Robert
The Mystery of the Expert (The Strand, 1901A)

Besant, Walter
Quarantine Island (The Strand, 1891B)
One and Two (The Strand, 1893A)

Bishop, William Henry
A Little Dinner (Century Magazine, 1888A)

Black, Ivory
Orpiment & Gamboge (Century Magazine, 1885A)

Boden, G.H.
The Discovery of London (Windsor Magazine, 1903A)

Brooks, Noah
The Phantom Sailor (Century Magazine, 1882B)

Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Esmeralda: A Play in Four Acts (Century Magazine, 1882A)

Butler, Ellis Parker
Pigs Is Pigs (The Strand, 1905)

Carroll, Emily B.
Mr. and Mrs. Pidgeon's Visit to Their City Friends, as Related by Mr. Pidgeon (Godey's Lady's Book, 1863)

Chandler, Bessie
The Woman's Edition (Ladies Home Journal, 1896)

Chaplin, Stewart
Mr. Jack's Promotion (Century Magazine, 1882A)

Connell, F. Norreys
The Golden Tiger (The Strand, 1899A)

Cooper, A.B.
The Snowman (The Strand, 1902B)
The perils of committing (or attempting to commit) a jewel robbery at Christmastide...

Crane, Stephen
The Revenge of the "Adolphus," (The Strand, 1899B)

Cranson, J.H.
The Metamorphosis of Corpus Delicti (Windsor Magazine, 1899B)

Crawford, F. Marion
"Man Overboard!" (The Strand, 1903A)

Dam, J.H.W.
The Tax on Moustaches (The Strand, 1899A)

Daudet, Alfonse
Quastana, the Brigand (The Strand, 1893A)

Dayre, Sidney
That Tea-Pot (Peterson's, 1883)

de Maupassant, Guy
The Doctor's Story (The Strand, 1891B)
The Prisoners (The Strand, 1892B)
Ulrich the Guide (The Strand, 1896A)
Clochette (The Strand, 1898B)

Dumas, Alexandre
Zodomirsky's Duel (The Strand, 1892A)
Marceau's Prisoner (The Strand, 1892B)

Fenn, George Manville
An Alarming Sacrifice (The Strand, 1902A)

Futrelle, Jacques
The Chase of the Golden Plate (a story in three parts) (The Strand, 1907B-1908A)

Gallon, Tom
Mrs. Timson-Smith's Lion (The Strand, 1903A)

Harrison, F. Bayford
That Stout German (The Strand, 1894A)

Hering, Henry A.
The Ghosts of Nether Talkington (Windsor Magazine, 1897A)
Silas P. Cornu's Dry Calculator (Windsor Magazine, 1898A)

Holley, Marietta
Bylining herself as "Josiah Allen's wife [Samantha]", Marietta Holley wrote extensively on women's rights, particularly the right to vote. I highly recommend her novel, My Opinions and Betsy Bobbett's, available on (Note that the word "spear" is used in these tales as a dialect version of "sphere," as in "the woman's sphere".)
How the Bamberses Borrowed Josiah/What Came of Borrowin' Josiah (Peterson's, 1879)
Tirzah Ann's Summer Trip (Peterson's, 1879)
An Angel of the Slums (Ladies' Home Journal, 1892)

Hooper, Will Phillip
The Laggard Letter's Luck (Demorest, 1889)

Hugo, Victor
Jenny (The Strand, 1891A)

Hume, Andrew
Boney's Bonfire (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1896)

James, Henry
The Point of View (Century Magazine, 1883A)
Lady Barberina (Century Magazine, 1884B)
The Bostonians (183 pages) (Century Magazine, 1885A-1886A)
The Liar (Century Magazine, 1888B)

Janvier, Thomas
A Loan of Half-Orphans (Century Magazine, 1894B)

Jenks, Tudor
The Dragon's Story (St. Nicholas, 1889)
The Pygmy Fleet (St. Nicholas, 1889)
Papa Dragon's Tale (St. Nicholas, 1900A)
Abbie's Accounts: A Monologue (Century Magazine, 1898A)

Larkin, Leonard
The House that Jerry Built, by Leonard Larkin (The Strand, 1902)

Litchfield, Grace Denio
The Price I Paid for a Set of Ruskin (Century Magazine, 1884B)

MacManus, Seamus
The Son of Strength, an Irish Story for Children (The Strand, 1902)
How Dark Patrick Saved the Honour of Ireland (The Strand, 1905B)
Long Cromachy of the Crows (The Strand, 1905B)

Marsh, Richard
Capturing a Convict (The Strand, 1893B)
How I Drove a Motor Car for Randall (The Strand, 1901A)
A Girl Who Couldn't (The Strand, 1903A)
A Modest Half-Crown (The Strand, 1904B)
Her Fourth (The Strand, 1905B)

Matthews, Brander
Perturbed Spirits (Century Magazine, 1886B)
The New Member of the Club (Century Magazine, 1893A)

Maturin, Mrs. Fred
"For a Charity," (The Strand, 1900B)

Maugham, William Somerset
A Point of Law (The Strand, 1903B)
An Irish Gentleman (The Strand, 1904B)

Mills, John
The Aerial Brickfield (Windsor Magazine, 1897B)

Molyneux, Beatrice
The Touching Tale of a Plum Pudding (Windsor Magazine, 1897A)

Morrison, Arthur
Lost Tommy Jepps (The Strand, 1902B)
The Stolen Blenkinsop (The Strand, 1908B)
See the Victorian Detectives page for more stories by Arthur Morrison.

Nesbit, E.
Jock and Saccharissa, by E. Nesbit and Edgar Jepson (English Illustrated Magazine, 1899A)
Unexceptionable References (Windsor Magazine, 1902A)
See also E. Nesbit's Children's Stories.

Oxenham, John
The Ca*****t Came Back (The Strand, 1899A)

Pilleau, F. Startin
The Vision of Inverstrathy Castle (The Strand, 1894B)
The Vision of Inverstrathy Castle Sequel (The Strand, 1895B)

Pushkin, Alexander
The Pistol Shot (The Strand, 1891A)
The Queen of Spades (The Strand, 1891A)
The Snowstorm (The Strand, 1891A)

Pyle, Howard
A Set of Sketches (Century Magazine, 1894A)

Ragge, Walter
A Modern Gelert (The Strand, 1900B)

Roose, David
Dobson's Plots (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1889)

Slade, Alfred
How They Carried the Bad News to Parson's Green (Windsor Magazine, 1898B)

Stoddard, William
Annexed by the Tsar (Atlantic Monthly, 1883)

Thomlinson, H.
How I Committed My Murder (The Strand, 1902B)

Townshend, R.B.
A Motor in the Bull-Ring (The Strand, 1903)

Turner, Ethel
The Doing of It (Windsor Magazine, 1896B)
What the Postman Brought (Windsor Magazine, 1898B)

Verne, Jules
Dr. Trifulgas: A Fantastic Tale (The Strand, 1892B)
An Express of the Future (The Strand, 1895B)

Ward, Marion
A Glut in Turkeys (The Strand, 1903)
A Rivalry in Flowers (The Strand, 1905B)

Weaver, Jane
The White Sparrow (Peterson's, 1856)

White, William Allen
"While the Evil Days Come Not:" A Boyville Story (McClure's, 1898)

Williams, Canning
The Chickens Parade (The Strand, 1898A)

Williamson, Alice
The Robbery of Foxboro, and How It Was Detected (The Strand, 1894B)

Williamson, W.H.
"Morbus Nobilis," or the Plaster Brigade (The Strand, 1895B)

Wishaw, Fred
A Stolen Battleship (Windsor Magazine, 1899B)

Anonymous/Author Unknown
An Awkward Fix, translated from the French (The Strand, 1893B)
Dobsonian Christmas Gifts (Godey's Lady's Book, 1867)
Madame's Little Plot (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1878)
Our "Varnished" Ancestors (Peterson's, 1879)
Robina Crusoe and Her Lonely Island Home (Girl's Own Paper, 1883)
The Wrong Baby (Demorest, 1887)
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