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Bringing you the complete contents of the following issues in a beautiful print volume:

April 2018

May 2018

June 2018
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- Series:
- Aunt Mehitabel's Winter in Washington, Parts 4-6 (Godey's, 1873)
- Grant Allen's Moorland Idylls (English Illustrated Magazine, 1895)
- April 2018
- My Daily Round: An Essay Competition for All Girls Who Work With Their Hands (Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Some Novel Methods of Using Strawberries (Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- The Work of the Light-Vessels (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1881)
- Some Indian Recipes (Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- A Night on a Lightship (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1894)
- The Poacher and His Craft (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- An April [Bird] Chronicle (Demorest, 1889)
- Ornamental Chocolate Dishes (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- My Doll's Drawing-Room and How I Furnished It (Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- Easter Eggs, and How the Girls Made Them (Girl's Own Paper, 1881)
- A Garden of Gillyflowers (Girl's Own Paper, 1890)
- How Success Is Achieved (Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture Annual Report, 1886)
- Costly Stones: Their Hues and Language (Girl's Own Paper, 1890)
- May 2018
- From London to Chicago [by Steamer & Rail] (The Strand, 1893)
- Cooking in May (Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- May (Illustrated London Almanack, 1845)
- Confederate Make-Shifts (Harper's Monthly, 1876)
- Chair Back & Cushion in Embroidery (Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- Decorated Bicycles (Windsor Magazine, 1899)
- Victorian Noms de Plume (From a Victorian Scrap Album)
- Gone to the Dogs (London's Lost Dogs Home) (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1876)
- The Modern Servant Girl (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1894)
- Some Economical Indian Dishes (Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- Suggestions to Young Housekeepers (Scribner's, 1879)
- Fiction: That Stout German (The Strand, 1894)
- Cookery Recipes: Puddings & Desserts (Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- A Few Hints on Repousse Work (Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- June 2018
- Four Friends in a Phaeton [in Nebraska] (Demorest, 1886)
- Wedding Breakfasts (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1876)
- 15 Rules for the Preservation of Health (Godey's, 1860)
- Wedding Flowers (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1883)
- Humor: A Boomopolis Wedding (Harper's, 1891)
- The Bride's First Dinner-Party (Girl's Own Paper, 1887)
- Some Hints on Letter-Writing (Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- How to Write Letters (Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- [The Robin] The Bird of the Morning (Atlantic Monthly, 1883)
- Ornamental and Useful Knick-Knacks (Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- The Cheaper City (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- Humor: The Wedding of Polly Ann Peachblossom (Godey's, 1873)
- School-Day Reminiscences [of Toronto & Germany] (Girl's Own Paper, 1891)
- English Cave-Dwellers of Today (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1896)
- Savoury Dishes Without Meat (Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- Poetry
Absence of Mind
• Ode to an Odious Old Dress
• The Bald-Headed Tyrant
• Mike [a dog]
