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Bringing you the complete contents of the following issues in a beautiful print volume:

July 2019

August 2019

September 2019
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- July 2019
- Animal Friendships (The Strand, 1899)
- My Herb Garden (The Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- London in July (Demorest, 1885)
- Feathers in the Scale: A Plea for the Birds (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1880)
- Good Breeding Shown When Travelling (The Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- Figure-Heads (The Strand, 1891)
- Notes by an Artist Naturalist (The Girl's Own Paper, 1892-94)
- An Old Roman's Bill of Fare (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- The Queen of Inventions: The Sewing Machine (Godey's, 1860)
- How to Make a Japanese Cabinet (The Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Some Differences Between English and American Homes (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- A Very Old Art: Embossing in Metal (Demorest, 1886)
- Home-Made Ices (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1883)
- The Disadvantages of Civilization (Windsor Magazine, 1896)
- Practical Points of Law (The Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- August 2019
- Queer Conveyances (The Strand, 1897)
- Some Old School Books (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1887)
- Foolhardy Feats: The Niagara Fools (The Strand, 1897)
- How I Made Soap (Demorest, 1880)
- Writing for the Press (Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1889)
- Notes by an Artist Naturalist (Girl's Own Paper, 1892-94)
- True Economies in Household Management (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1882)
- Bees and Their Folklore (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1881)
- The Table and Its Decoration (Demorest, 1884)
- Tapestry Painting (Girl's Own Paper, 1880)
- Etiquette for "Our Brothers" (Girl's Own Paper, 1883)
- Practical Points of Law (Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- Angle Decoration (Demorest, 1880)
- My Conjuring Tricks (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1892)
- The Pitcairn Islanders, and the Mutiny of the Bounty (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1880)
- Some Eastern Sweets (The Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- September 2019
- Shopkeepers' Advertising Novelties (The Strand, 1895)
- Garfield in London (Century, 1884)
- Notes by an Artist Naturalist (The Girl's Own Paper, 1892-94)
- My Diving-Dress (The Strand, 1894)
- How I Engage My Servants (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1877)
- Amusing Juvenile Answers (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1889)
- The Prophet's Chamber (The Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- Field Notes (Century, 1894
- What Becomes of Lost Luggage (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1876)
- Roddy the Rat (Windsor Magazine, 1898)
- Fruit Puddings (The Girl's Own Paper, 1899)
- Practical Points of Law (The Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- Pianoforte Fronts and How to Decorate Them, (The Girl's Own Paper, 1885)
- A Young Servant's Outfit, and What to Buy For It (The Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- The Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children (The Girl's Own Paper, 1891)
- Poetry:
- A Dialogue in Low Life • The Ballad of Cassandra Brown • The Boastful Butterfly
