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- Animal Friendships (The Strand, 1899)
- The dog and the duck, the kangaroo and its canine mates, the cat who raised a litter of rabbits, the cow and her piglets, and a host of other unusual cross-species relationships.
- My Herb Garden (The Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- How to plant one, and what to plant for kitchen and health use.
- London in July (Demorest, 1885)
- "In all the world there is only one London, and to go abroad without seeing it is to visit America without seeing Niagara or the Yosemite." And July is the height of the season in that great town...
- Feathers in the Scale: A Plea for the Birds (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1880)
- A gardener examines the question of whether birds are destructive, as many farmers claimed, or helpful to have about -- and concludes that every gooseberry gobbled by the blackbird is more than matched by the snails and slugs he destroys.
- Good Breeding Shown When Travelling (The Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- "Some fifty years ago travelling was a rare luxury... and those young people of the present day whose parents can afford to perfect their education, by means so healthful and agreeable, should make the utmost of such advantages... As well-bred young women they must refrain from allowing themselves any more license, either in dress or in conduct, merely because amongst strangers."
- Figure-Heads (The Strand, 1891)
- A lavishly illustrated piece on historic and artistic figure-heads.
- Notes by an Artist Naturalist (The Girl's Own Paper, 1892-94)
- Beautifully illustrated monthly series by artist Fred Miller on the flora, fauna and lore of the season.
- An Old Roman's Bill of Fare (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- Peacocks, nightingales, parrots' tongues (all the more valuable if the parrots could speak), ostriches, and fat little dormice were all featured on patrician tables... Nero was said to have had pheasant served on a layer of diamond dust. Fortunately for the digestion, apple dumplings were also popular...
- The Queen of Inventions: The Sewing Machine (Godey's, 1860)
- Save your health and eyesight - invest in this marvelous new invention that enables the needlewoman to perform her work in comfort.
- How to Make a Japanese Cabinet (The Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- With some bamboo, boxes, black enamel, Japanese paper and a little gold dust, you can create a charming book or ornament shelf.
- Some Differences Between English and American Homes (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1895)
- "Many English people seem to be under the impression that the Americans know little of the comforts of home life... It is difficult for Americans to understand, for they themselves are firmly convinced that they have solve the problem of how to make the home happy."
- A Very Old Art: Embossing in Metal (Demorest, 1886)
- Besides providing basic instructions on how to emboss metal, this article gives a bit of the history of this "very old art."
- Home-Made Ices (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1883)
- Delicious recipes for fruit and flavored ices and custards that would be simple to make at home today!
- The Disadvantages of Civilization (Windsor Magazine, 1896)
- A Victorian lady notes that life is not all cream and roses in the "civilized" world.
- Practical Points of Law (The Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- An introduction to a series on various intriguing points of English law in Victorian times, with sections on Wills; Servants; Fire Insurance; Life Assurance.
