Please note that content of upcoming issues may change.
- How a Woman Journalist Faced Death
(Pearson's Magazine, 1901)
- "What women lack in pure virile strength they make up in endurance, intuitive qualities; and, generally speaking, they are able to present a deeper, more human side of life to their newspaper writing than men."
- Some Curious Public School Customs
(The Strand, 1896)
- Such customs include swimming, shirking, sitting, standing-up, pancake-tossing, and of course, trying to break a plate over a student's head...
- The Imps of the Household
(Good Housekeeping, 1890)
- Today, we'd probably call these kitchen misadventures the work of gremlins.
- A Quilting Memory
(Good Housekeeping, 1886)
- A reminiscence on quilting bees.
- May Baskets
(Good Housekeeping, 1899)
- "The custom of hanging May baskets with offerings to one's friends, during the month of May, is a pretty and poetic one."
- Sensible and Serviceable Drinks for an Invalid
(Good Housekeeping, 1890)
- The selection here - which includes a number of lemonade drinks, fruit vinegar, barley water, almond milk, and more - sounds appealing whether one is an invalid or in fact quite healthy!
- The Art of Twisting Stalks
(Pearson's, 1901)
- "The chief difference between the arrangement of flowers in this country and in Japan is that whereas in this country the art is merely considered as a pretty accomplishment for gentlewomen, in Japan it ranks as a science and a philosophy, which can only be mastered after several years of close study."
- How the Japanese Arrange Flowers for Decoration
(Girl's Own Paper, 1892)
- The art of flower arranging in Japan, though often practiced by ladies, is most popular among "priests, philosophers, and men of rank, who, on account of declining years... have been its most enthusiastic patrons."
- A Chapter on Curry
(Girl's Own Paper, 1887)
- The author hopes to convince his readers that there is far more to making a good curry than simply opening a jar of curry powder (who knew they had this in 1887?) and spooning it into your gravy.
- Etiquette in Walking, Riding, and Driving
(Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- Less than 50 years before this article was written, the author points out, no well-bred young lady could go walking or shopping in public without having a footman in attendance, and "Even now, amongst the 'upper ten,' young unmarried women do not appear on the streets alone."
- Pet Dogs, and How to Train Them
(Girl's Own Paper, 1901)
- "A puppy, only a few weeks old, can be taught to love and then to obey because he loves. But that lesson is not taught in a day, nor is it taught by decking him with ribbons, holding him up and kissing him, and exclaiming ecstatically, 'Isn't he too sweet!'"
- The Uses and Abuses of Games
(Good Housekeeping, 1886)
- First of a series of articles on games and gaming in America, by Milton Bradley - yes, the Milton Bradley! In this article (which was written before cell phones), he notes, "There is a sociability in a game which unites all the family, old and young, around the library table of a winter evening, which is found in few places besides."
- Kensington Stitch, or Needle Painting
(Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1888)
- This is similar to what we would call a satin stitch today, with an emphasis on shading and blending colors in a filled area.
- Dining at the White House
(Good Housekeeping, 1890)
- "A description of one [dinner] will suffice for all as they do not differ except in a few essentials of arrangement and decoration."
- Lofty London
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1887)
- A look at the source of London's famous "fog" - also known as "pollution"!
- Janitors I Have Met, and Some Others
(Good Housekeeping, 1900)
- Next in a charming, humorous seven-part series on the difficulties of finding a livable flat in New York City.
- The Brook and Its Banks
(Girl's Own Paper, 1886-1887)
- Next in a lovely 11-part series covering the flora and fauna of the British brook - for "a brook has many points of view."
- Every-Day Desserts, and Desserts for Every Day (Good Housekeeping, 1888-1889)
- Next in a 12-part series that literally offers a recipe for a different dessert for every day of the year.
- ZigZags at the Zoo: Pachydermatous (The Strand, 1893B)
- This lovely, and lengthy, series looks at all the different types of creatures to be found at the London Zoo, with marvelous caricatures by H.A. Shepherd.
- Recipes: Jellies and Jellied Fruits (Good Housekeeping, 1887)
