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- Military Leaders - Pre-Victorian
- • See also Civil War: Leaders
- • See also the Royalty section.
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- • See Victorian America: Territories for Cuba, Samoa, Porto Rico and the Philippines
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- Topical Collections
- The Victorian Detectives
- Romances from a Detective's Casebook, by Dick Donovan
- Martin Hewitt, Investigator, by Arthur Morrison
- Lauder Caine the Confessor, by Percy Andreæ
- The Dorrington Deed-Box, by Arthur Morrison
- The Emperor's Detective, by Percy Andreæ
- Jennie Baxter, Journalist, by Cottrel Hoe
- Children's Fiction from The Strand and Other Magazines
- Including folktales, international translations, and original short fiction.
- See also E. Nesbit's Children's Stories
- Various Authors
- Short fiction and serials by a variety of authors, including Stephen Crane, Alexandre Dumas, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Alexander Pushkin, Jules Verne, and many others.
- Humor
- A selection of short humor pieces, some fiction, some nonfiction.
- Fiction by Author
- Grant Allen
- Short Stories
- An African Millionaire
- Hilda Wade
- Miss Cayley's Adventures
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- The Return of Sherlock Holmes
- The Reminiscences of Mr. Sherlock Holmes
- The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
- The Adventures of Etienne Gerard
- Round the Fire
- Short Stories
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- Bret Harte
- S.W. Hornung
- Short Stories
- Stingaree Stories
- W.W. Jacobs
- Rudyard Kipling
- Short Stories
- The Naulahka (with Wolcott Balestier)
- Puck of Pook's Hill
- L.T. Meade
- Short Stories
- Stories from the Diary of a Doctor
- The Adventures of a Man of Science
- The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings
- Stories of the Sanctuary Club
- The Sorceress of the Strand
- E. Nesbit - Children's Stories
- Short Stories
- The Seven Dragons
- The Psammead, or, The Gifts
- The Phoenix and the Carpet
- The Amulet
- The Enchanted Castle
- The House of Arden
- Harding's Luck
- The Magic City
- Frank Stockton
- Mark Twain
- H.G. Wells
- Short Stories
- The First Men in the Moon
- P.G. Wodehouse