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Volume I •
Volume II
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Christmas traditions. It's what we love about the holidays - the tree, the sparkling baubles, the glittering lights. We love this time of exchanging cards with friends and loved ones, catching up on connections that are too often neglected for the rest of the year. And we love the holiday spirit - that spirit that transcends the shopping mall and the credit card, and is so perfectly captured in such Victorian classics as "A Christmas Carol" or "A Vision of St. Nicholas."
Chances are, the traditions you love best about Christmas have their roots in the Victorian era. The Victorians didn't exactly invent Christmas - but they certainly reinvented it! It was Queen Victoria's love of the Christmas tree that made it a "must-have" in every family's home. It was a Victorian who invented the Christmas card - thanks to another Victorian who developed the penny stamp that made it possible to send cards in the first place! (Hmm, where's that Victorian when we need him?)
Now you can enjoy a rare glimpse of these timeless Victorian traditions in our two exquisite Christmas collections: A Victorian Christmas Treasury and A Victorian Christmas Treasury II. Each volume is like a gigantic Christmas gift, bursting with treats and surprises. Collected from a host of leading Victorian magazines, each is packed with articles, stories, poetry and pictures that have never been anthologized before. You'll find:
- Christmas recipes, from roast goose to plum pudding
- Decorating ideas, from the tree to every corner of your home
- Music and carols
- Games and entertainments - don't miss the delightful "Robin Hood" pageant in Volume II!
- Holiday history and folklore from England and around the world
- Holiday reminiscences - from Christmas in the colonies, to the multi-cultural celebrations of the New York tenements, to the classic British Yule
- Gorgeous Artwork, including glimpses of Victorian Christmas as portrayed by the top artists and illustrators of the era
- Delightful Poetry, including a version of "The Night Before Christmas" as it appeared in The Strand
No other collection brings you this up-close-and-personal look at the true Victorian Christmas. Make our Victorian Christmas Treasuries a part of your holiday traditions - and be sure to order copies for the Victoriana lovers on your gift list!
Read Some Excerpts...
Christmas in the Olden Time
Christmas in History
Merry Christmas in the Tenements
Christmas in the Army
Robin Hood: A Parlor Piece for Evening Parties
Children's Calico Balls
Plum Pudding and Other Receipts for Christmas
Christmas Dinners
Letters to Santa Claus
The Children's Christmas, As Depicted by Famous Black-and-White Artists
The Christmas Kalends of Provence
How to Set Out a Christmas-Tree