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Here's a Collection Guaranteed to Tickle Your Funny Bone!
Death is no laughing matter... or is it? It depends on who has the last laugh! And a couple of hundred years ago, the person who had the last laught might well be the person who carved your tombstone! As author W. Fairley shows us, graveyards could be the source of quite a few belly laughts - some courtesy of the deceased, and some at their expense.
Epitaphs like these gave friends and loved ones a chance to "go ahead, tell us what you really think!" Nor was the grave any refuge from some truly awful puns, most often on the name or profession of the dearly departed.
Graveyard Humor (originally published in 1873 as Epitaphiana is a collection of more than 300 rare, witty, and sometimes truly ridiculous inscriptions and epitaphs, gathered from tombs throughout Britain and the world. It also brings you the epitaphs of such notable figures as Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Lord Byron, Robert Burns, and even Robin Hood! As Fairly tells us, here you'll find "the sad, serious, witty, and sublime..."
NOTE: This book is a reprint from an electronic edition available from Archive.org. It has been OCR'd, proofed, and reformatted to make this edition more readable and more economical than other editions that may be available online.