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Leaders, Politicians & Military Officers Portrait List

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PresidentsWorld LeadersUS Politicians & LeadersUS Politicians & Leaders - Civil WarLincoln ConspiratorsUK Politicians & LeadersUK - Trade Unions & RepsUK – MPsUK - Religious Leaders Military Officers – USMilitary Officers - US - Civil War – UnionUS - Military Officers - Civil War – ConfederateUK Military OfficersInternational Military OfficersHeroes & Crusaders


Adams, Mrs.
Cleveland, Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs.
Polk’s VP - Dallas
Roosevelt, Alice
Van Buren

World Leaders

Balmaceda - President of Chile
Berryer, Antoine Pierre
Blanc, Louis
Bonghi, Ruggero
Carnot, Sadi – President of France
Castelar, Emilio
Celman, Juarez
Challemel-Lacour - French Senate
Clemenceau, Georges-Benjamin
Comte de Paris
Count Camille de Cavour - Sardinia
de Iturbide, Agustin – Emperor of Mexico
de Soto, Bernardo – President of Costa Rica
Diaz, Porfirio
Duke of Saxe-Meiningen
Dupuy, M. – Prime Minister of France
Favre, Jules
Gambetta, Joseph
Gambetta, Leon
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Mantauban, General – Prime Minister of France
Grevy, Jules
Juarez, Benito – President of Mexico
Kossuth, Louis – Governor of Hungary
Li Hung Chang, Viceroy
Mazzini, Joseph
Miramon, Miguel
Ollivier, Emile
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Pius VII
Rochefort, Henri
Romero, Matias
Santos, Maximo – President of Uruguay
Sclopis, Count
Simon, Jules
Stamboloff, S. - Bulgaria
Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Troct, General – Governor of Paris
von Levetzow – President of Reichstag
Waddington, William Henri
Yoshinaga Matsudaira

US Politicians & Leaders

Alvarado & Micheltorena - Governors
Ashmun, George
Bidwell, John
Breckinridge, John
Browne, J. Ross
Browning, O. H.
Burnett, Peter - Governor
Calhoun, John
Carpenter, Matthew H.
Castro, Don Juan B.
Castro, Don Manuel
Chase, Salmon -.Supreme Ct
Choate, Rufus
Clay, Henry
Curtis, Benjamin - Supreme Ct
Douglas, Stephen
Edwards, Ninian - Governor
English, James - Governor
Everett, Edward
Grinnell, Moses
Gwin, Dr. William
Hale, John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Houston, Sam
Howe, Timothy Otis
Howe, Walter
Ingalls, J. J. - Senator
Larkin, Thomas
Leese, Jacob P.
Marshall, J.
McLean, John - Supreme Ct
Middleton, D. W. - Supreme Ct
Mitchell, Alexander
Nelson, Samuel - Supreme Ct
Nicolay, John
Pico, Pio - overnor
Potter, Henry - Bishop of NY
Robb, J. Hampden
Rockhill, W. W.
Seward, William
Springer, Joseph
Stuart, John J.
Taney, Roger -Supreme Ct
Vallejo, Gen. Mariano
Vallejo, Maria de Jesus
Vallejo, Mother of
Vallejo, Wife of
Verplanck, Gulian
Walker, Robert - Governor
Wallace, Lew - Governor
Walworth, Chancellor
Webster, Daniel
Whitney, William
Williams, Ramon

US Politicians & Leaders - Civil War

Aiken, William
Andrew, John – Governor of MA
Atchison, David
Banks, Nathaniel
Bates, Edward - Atty-General
Bell, John
Benton, Thomas
Black, Jeremiah - Atty-General
Blaine, James
Blair, Montgomery - Postmaster General
Botts, John
Brooks, Preston
Brown, John
Buffum, Arnold - Abolitionist
Burlingame, Anson
Butler, William
Calhoun, John
Cameron, Simon- Secretary of War
Cass, Lewis
Chase, Salmon - Secretary of the Treasury
Clay, Cassius
Cobb, Howell
Cook, B.C.
Crawford, Martin - Confederate Commissioner
Curtis, George
Cushing, Caleb
Davis, David
Davis, Henry
Davis, Jefferson
Dayton, William
Dixon, Archibald
Evarts, William
Everett, Edward
Fessenden, William
Forsyth, John - Confederate Commissioner
Garrison, William
Giddings, Joshua
Gilmer, John
Hamlin, Hannibal
Hay, John
Hay, Milton
Herndon, William
Hicks, T.H. - Governor
Holt, Joseph - Postmaster General
Jackson, Claiborne - Governor
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Herschel
Johnson, Thomas Rev.
Judd, N.B.
Lamon, Ward
Lane, James
Lane, Joseph
Letcher, John - Governor of VA
Logan, Stephen Judge
Lovejoy, Owen
Lynch, Patrick
Martin, Captain
Patterson, Robert
Peck, Ebenezer
Phillips, Wendell
Pickens, Francis - Governor of SC
Prentice, George
Reeder, Andrew
Richardson, William
Roman, AB - Confederate Commissioner
Scott, Dred & Harriet
Seaton, W.W, - Colonel
Seward, Frederick
Shannon, Wilson
Slidell, John
Soule, Pierre
Speed, Joshua
Stanton, Edwin – Secretary of War
Stanton, Frederick
Stephens, Alexander
Sumner, Charles
Taylor, Edward
Thackara, Eleanor Sherman
Thayer, Eli
Thompson, George
Trumbull, Lyman
Vail, Alfred
Vail, Stephen Judge
Wade, Benjamin
Washburne, E.B. Hon.
Weed, Thurlow
Welles, Gideon – Secretary of the Navy
Wilmot, David
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Rev W. Carus
Winthrop, Robert

Lincoln Conspirators

Arnold, Samuel
Atzerodt, George
Booth, John Wilkes
Herold, David
O'Laughlin, Michael
Payne, Lewis
Surratt, John
Surratt, Mary

UK Politicians & Leaders

Armstrong, Lord
Atkinson, Alderman
Barnett, Samuel
Blackwood, Stevenson
Borthwick, Sir Algernon
Bradford, Sir Edward - Scotland Yard
Brougham, Henry Lord
Buxton, Sir Thomas
Carlisle, J. G.
Chadwick, Edwin CB
Chelmsford, Lord
Chitty, Sir Joseph
Cooper, Thomas - Chartist
Cooper, Thompson
de Vere, Aubrey
Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth
Disraeli, Benjamin
Disraeli, Lady
Doyle, John
Elgin, Lord
Fawcett, Henry
Frost, John - Chartist
Gladstone, William
Gooch, Sir Daniel
Halsbury, Lord
Hawke, Lord
Hawkins, Sir Henry
Herbert, Lord
Herschell, Lord
Hetherington, Henry - Chartist
Hill, Sir Rowland
Hopetoun, Lord
Hughes, Judge
Iveagh, Lord
Jersey, Earl of - Governor of NSW
Jolliffe, Hylton
Knightley, Sir Rainald
Livesey, Joseph
Lords of the Line
Lovett, William - Chartist
MacNaghten, Lord
Manisty, Justice
McCallum, Sir Henry - Governor of Newfoundland
Moore, Richard - Chartist
Moore, Sir John
Morley, John
Mowbray, Sir J. R.
Napier of Magdala
Nelson, Lord
Panmure, Lord - Minister of War
Radstock, Lord
Ramsay, T. G.
Rosebery, Earl of
Ross, George Clunies
Salisbury, Lord
Salisbury, Marquis Robert Cecil
Selborne, Lord Chancellor
Simeon, Sir John
Stansfeld, A. J.
Trowbridge, Sir Thomas
Walpole - Governor of the Isle of Man
Watson, James - Chartist
Webster, Sir Richard
Whitworth, Lord Charles

UK - Trade Unions & Reps

Birtwistle, Thomas
Broadhurst, Henry MP
Burnett, John
Burns, John
Burt, Thomas MP
Drummond, C. J.
Mann, Tom
Mawdsley, J.
Shipton, George
Slatter, Henry
Stanley, William
Tillett, Ben
Williams, J. E.

UK – MPs

Akers-Douglas, A.
Anstruther, H. T.
Balfour, Arthur James
Bathurst, A. B.
Brigadierht, John
Cavendish, Richard
Chamberlain, Joseph
Curran, T. B.
Denison, John Evelyn
Firth, J.F.B.
Fowler, H. H.
Fry, Theodore
Harcourt, Sir William
Heaton, J. Henniker
Henley, J. W.
Herbert, S.
James, Sir Henry
Keating, Sir Henry Singer
Long, Walter
Marjoribanks, E.
OConnell, Daniel
Paget, Sir Richard
Pease, Sir .J W.
Ridley, Sir M. White
Stuart, Prof.
Wodehouse, E. R.

UK - Religious Leaders

Benson, Rev. E. W. – Archbishop of Canterbury
Bishop of London
Horsley, Rev. J. W.
Lightfoot, Dr. – Bishop of Durham
Manning, Cardinal
Newman, John - Cardinal
Tait, Rev - Archbishop of Canterbury
Westcott, Bishop
Wilberforce, Dr. Samuel - Bishop of Winchester

Military Officers – US

Crook, George - General
Crook, - Major-General
Custer, George Armstrong – General
Custer, T. W. - Captain
Dewey, George - Admiral, et al.
Folsom, J. L. - Captain
Keogh, M. W. - Captain
King, Charles - Brigadier-General
McDougal, David - Rear-Admiral
Miles, Nelson - General
Montgomery, J. B. - Commodore
Reno - Officers
Sherman, General
Shubrick, William - Rear-Admiral
Sibley, H. H. - General
Sloat, Commodore
Snelling, Josiah - Colonel
Stevens, John - Commodore
Stockton, Robert Field - Commodore
Truxton, Thomas - Commodore
Yates, G. W. - Captain

Military Officers - US - Civil War – Union

Anderson, Robert - Major
Baily, Theodorus - Captain
Baker, E.D. - Colonel
Bayard, George - Brigadier-General
Bee, Barnard - Brigadier-General
Bell, Henry - Captain
Berry, Hiram - Major-General
Blair, Francis Jr. - Major
Boggs, Charles - Commander
Boutelle, Charles - Acting Master
Branch, L.O'B. - Brigadier-General
Brannan, J.M. - General
Buell, Don Carlos - General
Burns, John
Burnside, Ambrose
Butler, Benjamin - Major-General
Butterfield, Daniel - Brigadier-General
Cooke, P. St. George - General
Corse, John - Major-General
Couch, Darius - Major-General
Cox, Jacob - Major-General
Crittenden, Thomas - General
Cross, Edward - Colonel
Cushing, W.B. - Commander
Devens, Charles
Farnsworth, Elon - Brigadier-General
Farragut, David - Admiral
Ferrero, Edward - Major-General
Flusser, C.W. – Lieutenant Commander
Foote, Andrew - Rear-Admiral
Fox, Gustavus - Colonel
Franklin, William - Major-General
Garland, Samuel Jr. - Brigadier-General
Geary, John - General
Granger, Gordon - General
Greene, Samuel - Commander
Griffin, Charles - Captain
Grover, Cuvier - Brigadier-General
Halleck, Henry - Major-General
Hamilton, A.G. - Major
Hancock - General
Hardin, John - General
Hays, Alexander - General
Heintzelman, Samuel - Major-General
Hooker - General
Howard, O.O. - Major-General
Hunt, Henry - Brigadier-General
Jackson, C.F. - Brigadier-General
Johnston, Albert
Johnston, A.S. - General
Johnston, J.E.
Jones, Catesby - Lieutenant
Kearny, Philip - Major-General
Keenan, Peter - Major
Kennon, Beverley - Captain
Keyes, Erasmus - Major-General
Lamson, A.T. - Lieutenant
Logan, John - Major-General
Lyon, Nathaniel - Brigadier-General
Lytle, W.H. - General
Magruder, John - Major-General
Mansfield, Joseph - Major-General
McCall, George - General
McClellan, George – General
McClernand, John - Major-General
McCook, Alexander - General
McDowell, Irwin - General
McPherson, James - Major-General
McQuade, James - General
Meade, George - Major-General
Meigs, M.C. - General
Morell, George - Major-General
Morris, George - Lieutenant
Nelson, William - General
Newton, John - Major-General
O'Hara, Theodore
Opdycke, Merson - Brigadier-General
Pennell, Christopher - Lieutenant
Pleasanton, Alfred - General
Pleasants, Henry - Colonel
Pope - Major-General
Porter, David - Adm
Porter, Horace - General
Potter, Robert - Major-General
Reno, Jesse - Major-General
Reynolds, John - Major-General
Richardson, Israel - Major-General
Ricketts, James - Captain
Rose, Thomas - Colonel
Rosecrans, W.S. - Major-General
Schenck, Robert - Major-General
Schofield, John - Major-General
Schurz, Carl - Major-General
Sedgwick, John - Major-General
Seymour, Truman - Brigadier-General
Sheridan, Philip - General
Sherman, William – General
Sherrill, Eliakim - Colonel
Shields, James - Brigadier-General
Sickles, Daniel - Major-General
Sigel, Franz - Major-General
Sill, E.E. - Lieutenant
Smith, A.J. - Major-General
Smith, C.F. - Major-General
Smith, Joseph - Lieutenant
Smith, Melancton - Commander
Smith, W.F. - Major-General
Smith, William - Quartermaster
Stanley, David - Major-General
Stevens, Isaac - Major-General
Sumner, Edwin - Major-General
Sumner, E.V. - Colonel
Sykes, George - Major-General
Terrill, William - Brigadier-General
Thomas, George - Major-General
Thornton, James - Captain
Upton, Emory - General
Van Brunt - Captain
Vincent, Strong - Brigadier-General
Wadsworth, James - Brigadier-General
Wallace, W.H.L. - Brigadier-General
Warren, G.K. - General
Weed, Stephen - Brigadier-General
Wheeler, James - Acting Master
Whipple, Amiel - Major-General
Wilkes, Charles - Rear Adm
Willard, George - Colonel
Wilson, James - Major-General
Winder, Charles - General
Winslow, John - Rear-Admiral
Winthrop, Theodore - Major
Wood, Thomas - General
Worden, John - Rear-Admiral
Zook, Samuel - Brigadier-General

US - Military Officers - Civil War – Confederate

Anderson, George - Brigadier-General
Armistead, Lewis - Brigadier-General
Barksdale, William - Brigadier-General
Bartow, F.S. - Colonel
Baylor, W.S.H. - Colonel
Beauregard, G.T.
Bragg, Braxton - General
Breckenridge, John - Brigadier-General
Buchanan, Franklin - Commodore
Buckner, Simon - General
Cheatham, B.F. - Lt-General
Cleburne, Patrick - Major-General
Cobb, Thomas - Brigadier-General
Cooke, J.W. - Captain
Duncan, J.K. - General
Ewell, Richard - General
Floyd, John - General
Forrest, N.B. - Lt-General
Garnett, Richard - Brigadier-General
Gordon, John - Major-General
Gregg, Maxcy - Brigadier-General
Hampton, Wade - Lt-General
Hardee, W.J. - Major-General
Hill, A.P. - General
Hill, Daniel - Major-General
Hindman, T.C. - General
Hoke, R.F. - Major-General
Hood, John - General
Huger, Benjamin - Major-General
Jackson, Thomas - Lt-General
Jackson, Stonewall – General
Jenkins, Micah - Brigadier-General
Johnson, Bushrod - General
Kell, John - Captain
Law, E.M. - Colonel
Lee, S.D. - Lt-General
Lee, Robert E. – General
Llewellyn, David - Surgeon
Longstreet, James - General
Lovell, Mansfield - Major-General
Mackall, W.W. - General
Mahone, William - Major-General
Maury, Matthew
McIntosh, Charles - Commander
McLaws, Lafayette - Major-General
Mitchell, John - Commander
Morgan, John - General
Paxton, E.F. - Brigadier-General
Pender, William - Major-General
Pickett, George - Major-General
Pillow, Gideon - General
Polk, Leonidas - General
Price, Sterling - Major-General
Rogers, William - Colonel
Semmes, Paul - Brigadier-General
Semmes, Raphael - Rear-Admiral
Smith, Gustavus - Major-General
Starke, William - Brigadier-General
Stuart, J.E.B. - General
Tatnall, Josiah - Commodore
Tilghman, Lloyd - General
Van, Dorn Earl - Major-General
Walker, W.H.T. - Major-General
Warley, Alexander - Captain
Whiting, W.H.C. - General
Wilkinson, John - Lieutenant
Wood, John - Lieutenant

UK Military Officers

Andrews, William & Asa
Bromhead – Lieutenant
Browne, Sir Samuel - Lt-General
Butler, Sir William - Major-General
Cameron, V. L. - Commander
Campbell, Sir Colin - General
Chard, - Lieutenant
Cochrane, Lord
de Montmorency - Lieutenant
Gardiner, Allen
Goodenough, - Commodore
Gordon, Charles George - Major-General
Gorringe, Henry - Lt-Commander
Grant, Sir Hope
Havelock, Outram & Campbell
Jervis, John
Kenna, - Captain
Kitchener, Herbert - General
Lawrence, John
Lyons, Lord – Rear-Admiral
Macdonald, Sir Claude
McMahon, Marshal
Peel, William - Captain
Rawson, Sir H - Vice-Admiral
Roberts, Lord - General
Robertson, George S. - Surgeon-Major
Sale, Sir Robert
Seymour, Sir Frederick - Vice Admiral
Shaw-Hellier, - Colonel
Simeon, Sir John
Tombs - Major
Williams, Sir William - Major-General
Wilson, William - Captain
Windham - Major-General
Wolseley, Sir Garnet
Worcester, Captain of

International Military Officers

Almonte, D. Juan - General
Arista, D. Mariano - General
Bazaine, Marshal
Bosquet, General
Campos, Martinez - General
Chanzy, Antoine
Cialdini, General
de Ampudia Pedro - General
de Gallifet, Marquis
Dupin, Colonel - Vera Cruz
Funfkirchen, Count von
Gallardo, Don Pedro Rincon
Garcia, Calixto - General
Grau, Miguel - Adm
Ito, Vice Admiral
Mejia, General
Miramon, Miguel
Mouravieff, General
Niel, General
Panitza, Major - Bulgaria
Pico, Andres - General
Regnault - France
Steinmetz, General
Tourre, Colonel - Zouaves
van der Smissen, Colonel
von Falkenstein, Vogel - General
von Moltke, Baron
Weyler, D. Valeriano - General

Heroes & Crusaders

Beecher, Henry
Booth, Ballington
Booth, Ballington Mrs.
Brooks, John
Brooks, Phillips Bishop MA
Burdett-Coutts, Baroness
Crandall, Prudence
Darling, Grace
Dora, Sister
Douglass, Frederick
Fisk, Clinton
Fry, Elizabeth
Garrison, William Lloyd
Glass, Joseph
Howe, Julia Ward
Jackson, Helen
Livingstone, Dr. David
Nasmith, David
Rye, Miss
Wilberforce, William
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