Home > The Civil War > Naval Battles & Campaigns
- Names of Western Gunboats
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- The Opening of the Lower Mississippi, by David D. Porter
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- Operations of the Western Flotilla, by Henry Walke
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- Including engagements at Belmont, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Island No. 10, Fort Pillow, and Memphis.
- Recollections of Foote and the Gunboats, by James B. Eads
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- Cruise and Combats of the "Alabama," by John McIntosh Kell, Her Executive Officer
(Century Magazine, 1886A)
- The Duel Between the "Alabama" and the "Kearsage," by John M. Browne, Surgeon of the Kearsage
(Century Magazine, 1886A)
- Life on the "Alabama," by P.D. Haywood
(Century Magazine, 1886A)
- The Career of the Confederate Ram "Albermarle," by Gilbert Elliott, Edgar Holden, and W.B. Cushing
(Century Magazine, 1888B)
- This is actually three articles rolled into one: "Her Construction and Service," by Her Builder (Elliott); "The 'Albermarle' and the 'Sassacus' - an Attempt to Run Down an Ironclad with a Wooden Ship" (Holden); and "The Destruction of the 'Albermarle'" (Cushing).
- The Blockade of the Confederacy, by Horatio L. Wait, USN
(Century Magazine, 1899B)
- Confederate Commerce-Destroyers
(Century Magazine, 1899B)
- Personal accounts of several naval officers.
- See Land Battles and Campaigns for articles on the capture of New Orleans.
- The First Fight of the Ironclads, by John Taylor Wood
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- In the "Monitor" Turret, by S.D. Greene, Commander, US Navy
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- Watching the "Merrimac," by R.E. Colston
(Century Magazine, 1885A)
- The Loss of the Monitor, by Francis B. Butts
(Century Magazine, 1886A)
- The Monitors, by John Ericsson
(Century Magazine, 1886A)
- Details of the construction of monitors as a general class of ships, by the man known as "The Father of the Monitor."
- The Sinking of the "Merrimac," by Richmond Pearson Hobson
(The Strand, 1889A)
- The Builders of the First Monitor, by G.G. Benedict
(Century Magazine, 1890A)
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