Today, many people dream of owning a genuine, historic "Victorian" home. Victorian houses in America have become hot properties, with their elegant lines, lofty ceilings, and ornate gingerbread. Of course, today, Victorian architecture is "historic" - and therefore often more interesting to many people than contemporary architecture.
Not surprisingly, the same pattern is true of Victorian days. One finds far more interest in contemporary architecture in American magazines than in British magazines, most likely because far more new building was taking place in America. American magazines often offered sample house-plans for a variety of types of dwellings, from Italianate villas to gingerbread-laden chalets. But American and British readers alike remained fascinated by the historic architecture of Europe, from its castles to its cathedrals.
Hence, this section offers a bit of both. Here you'll find features on contemporary Victorian architecture, architectural decoration and design - and Victorian articles on historic buildings and architecture. We also use the term "architecture" loosely here, to include not only information on building structures, but on design, decoration, planning, and new developments in safety and sanitation. It's a mix that a Victorian reader would have felt "at home" with!
- Victorian Architecture
- Victorian Architecture in America & Britain; Houseplans
- Domestic Improvements: Health, Sanitation & Safety
- Historic Architecture
- Architectural Studies
- Historic Church Architecture
- Cathedrals of Britain
- See also...
- British Cathedrals, Churches & Abbeys
- British Castles & Palaces
- Homes of British Statesmen
- Victorian London
- Business & Industry: Construction
- Lighthouses
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