Home > Victorian Britain > Places & Travel Destinations > All About Oxford
Known as the city of spires and home of Britain's oldest university, Oxford was one of the most important towns in the country. Its Bodleian library was world-famous, as were many of its historic attractions. The relationship between the town of Oxford and its university, however, were not always cordial; conflict often flared between "town and gown" (a factor that eventually led to the founding of Cambridge University!) This section looks at Oxford the town and Oxford the university.
- On the Painted Glass in New College Chapel and Hall, Oxford, by C. Winston
(Archaeological Journal, 1852)
- Sepulchral Monuments on Oxford Cathedral, by Matthew Holbeche Bloxham
(Archaeological Journal, 1852)
- Oxford New Museum
(Leisure Hour, 1860)
- Oxford Revisited
(Leisure Hour, 1860)
- Frank Ross at Oxford
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- A lengthy, semi-fictionalized account of student life at Oxford.
- A Visit to the Bodleian Library
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- The Fifth of November at Oxford
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1881)
- The traditional date of battles between "town and gown".
- Oxford in Winter, by Harriet Waters Preston
(Atlantic Monthly, 1883)
- A historic look at Oxford.
- Education for Women at Oxford
(Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- The Proctor and His "Bulldogs," by an Oxford Graduate (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1884)
- A look at the gentleman charged with maintaining good behavior amongst Oxford students.
- The Bodleian Library at Oxford
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1886)
- The Summer Meeting at Oxford
(Girl's Own Paper, 1890)
- More on extension classes.
- The Oxford and Cambridge Union Societies, by J.B. Harris-Burland and St. J. Basil Wynne Willson
(The Strand, 1894A)
- Oxford at Home, by Harold George
(The Strand, 1895A)
- Oxford life outside of class.
- See also
- • British Colleges & Universities
- • College Life
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