Home > Business, Industry & Manufacturing > Industry > Fishing & Fisheries
- Salmon and Trout Egg Collecting, by Frank Buckland
(Leisure Hour, 1868)
- Methods of fish culture.
- Yarmouth Bloaters
(Leisure Hour, 1868)
- A look at the Yarmouth herring fishery.
- Pilchard Fishing in Cornwall
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- Fish-Culture in Great Britain, by Greville Fennell
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1880)
- The Herring, by Greville Fennell
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1880)
- A look at the fish itself and the herring fishing industry.
- Progress in Fish Culture, by Fred Mather
(Century Magazine, 1884A)
- On fish-breeding and fish-hatcheries in the US.
- The Metropolis of Shrimp
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1885)
- The shrimping industry of Leigh, on the Thames.
- Gloucester Fishers, by Franklin H. North
(Century Magazine, 1886B)
- The dangerous lives of New England fishermen.
- The Sturgeon Fisheries
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Though often regarded as a "royal" fish, the sturgeon is only "royal" if caught in the Thames. This article looks at sturgeon in general and the fisheries of the Caspian sea.
- A Silver Harvest
(The Strand, 1891A)
- The pilchard fishing industry in Cornwall.
- The United States Fish Commission, by Richard Rathbun
(Century Magazine, 1892A)
- The Fish Commission was developed in response to the depletion of certain fisheries; its tasks included investigating the habits and migrations of various types of fish, managing supplies to avoid or restore depletions, institute fish-culture where appropriate, and more.
- An Autumn Thanksgiving: The Harvest of the Sea, by Beatrice Smallfield
(Girl's Own Paper, 1895)
- A sea harvest festival at St. Michaels Mount, Cornwall.
- Fisher Girls and Fishwives, by Fanny Green
(Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Life in the herring, shrimp and pilchard fishing communities.
- The Finnan Haddie: What It Is, and Where It Comes From, by Barrington MacGregor
(English Illustrated Magazine, 1899A)
- Haddock-fishing in Scotland.
- Trawling for Scientific Purposes, by Alexander Meek
(Windsor Magazine, 1899B)
- The use of scientific trawling to study the populations and life cycles of fish and fisheries.
- See also
- • Nature: Fish
- • Recreation: Fishing
- • Work: Jobs at Sea
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