Home > Business, Industry & Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Printing, Lithography & Book-Binding
This section looks at the technical aspects of printing and bookbinding. See the Newspaper & Publishing Industries section for articles on publishing books, newspapers and magazines.
- Lithography and Other Novelties in Printing
(Art Journal, 1853)
- A Process of Hardening Engraved Copper Plates
(Art Journal, 1858)
- The Origin and Progress of Printing
(Gentleman's Magazine, 1859)
- Visits to Art Manufacturies: Chromo-Lithography (The Establishments of Messrs. Rowney & Co., and M. & N. Hanhart)
(Art Journal, 1859)
- Visits to Art Manufacturies: Ornamental Stationery, Playing Cards, and Vegetable Parchment (The Establishment of Messrs. de la Rue)
(Art Journal, 1859)
- The First Century of the Republic #5: Mechanical Progress 4, by Edward Knight
(Harper's Monthly, 1875A)
- Printing (with a lengthy history of printing through the ages); type; type-founding; type-setting and distribution; stereotyping; electrotyping; the printing press; folding machines; addressing machines; printing for the blind; engraving; lithography; photography; photolithography; photo processes; photo-micrography. Read the Entire Series.
- How the Christmas Cards Are Made (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- One gains a new appreciation of the beauty of a Victorian greeting card when one realizes that every color depicted thereon was hand-carved into a piece of stone!
- The Art of Making Pictures in Stone
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1884)
- Great American Industries: A Printed Book, by R.R. Bowker
(Harper's Monthly, 1887B)
- Great American Industries: A Sheet of Paper, by R.R. Bowker
(Harper's Monthly, 1887B)
- The Printing of The Century, by Theodore L. De Vinne
(Century Magazine, 1891A)
- A fascinating look at the equipment and technologies used to produce a magazine (and its illustrations)--much of the equipment having been designed specifically for Century Magazine.
- Changes in Fashionable Stationery, by Ada Chester Bond (Ladies' Home Journal, 1892)
- New styles of invitations and other formal stationery.
- W.H. Smith and Son, by W.M. Acworth
(English Illustrated Magazine, 1892A)
- "Though Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son are much more than newsagents, being indeed advertisement agents, advertisement contractors, printers and lithographers, booksellers, librarians, and bookbinders, not to mention minor branches, they are newsagents first and foremost."
- The Bible: How It Is Printed and Circulated, by Harry How
(The Strand, 1894B)
- Commercial Bookbinding, by Brander Matthews
(Century Magazine, 1894B)
- Bookbindings of the Past, by Brander Matthews
(Century Magazine, 1894B)
- Bookbindings of the Present, by Brander Matthews
(Century Magazine, 1894B)
- How Our Colour Plates Are Produced
(Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- Books in Paper Covers, by Brander Matthews
(Century Magazine, 1895B)
- The Century's Printer on the Century's Type
(Century Magazine, 1896A)
- The introduction of a new typeface by The Century, and a look at the evolution of typefaces and the tastes of modern readers.
- A Visit to Vanity Fair, by J.D. Symon
(Windsor Magazine, 1896A)
- The Binding of a Book, by Frank Hird
(Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Christmas Cards: Their Origin and Manufacture, by Leily Bingen (Windsor, 1898A)
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