Home > Victorian Arts, Crafts & Needlework > More Victorian Crafts > Miscellaneous Crafts
When it comes to Victorian crafts, the term "miscellaneous" covers a lot of territory. In this section you'll find articles on basket-weaving, jewelry-making, cameo-cutting, modeling flowers in wax, creating flowers from wool and beads, modeling in clay, hand-turning everything from ivory to alabaster, mosaics, and... well, the list goes on and on. |
- On Cameo-Engraving
(Art Journal, 1853)
- Coraline Ornaments, by Ann S. Stephens (Peterson's, 1856)
- Silk Jewelry
(Demorest, 1879)
- Some lovely jewelry that can be made with fabric-covered button forms.
- The Art of Cameo-Cutting, by E. Crossley
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1890)
- Artistic Bead-Threading, by Fred Miller (Girl's Own Paper, 1902)
- "The fashion that has arisen for bead-stringing has given girls possessed of taste an opportunity of obtaining, at a very small cost, one of the most beautiful objects of personal adornment--a necklace." Includes designs that would not be out of place today, including Basuto work.
- Paper Flowers, by Mrs. A.M. Hollingsworth (Peterson's, 1856)
- A series of instructions on making 10 separate paper flowers and a final paper flower bouquet.
- Wax Flowers, Fruits, etc., by Mrs. C.S. Jones & Henry Williams (Household Elegancies, 1875 [book])
- How to create elaborate displays of wax fruits and flowers.
- Wax Flowers, by Mrs. E.S.L. Thompson
(Peterson's, 1879)
- How to Model a Rose in Wax, by Sophie Thwaites
(Girl's Own Paper, 1880)
- How to Make Bead Flowers, by M. Karger (Girl's Own Paper, 1881)
- Arrasene, or Wool Flowers
(Girl's Own Paper, 1882)
- Interesting method of making a variety of flowers from yarn.
- [Baskets] Things That Are Thrown Away
(Needle & Brush, 1889)
- A variety of things one can do with baskets.
- Fancy Baskets
(Needle & Brush, 1889)
- Basket-Making
(Girl's Own Paper, 1892)
- Basket-Weaving, by Blanche C. Saward
(Girl's Own Paper, 1895)
- Subtitled "How Girls Can Help Workhouse Inmates," this explains how to teach others to weave baskets.
- How to Weave Cane Baskets, by Leirion Clifford
(Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- How to Make Paper Baskets for Carrying Flowers, by Eliza Brightwen (Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- A creative use for a newspaper!
- Modeling in Clay as a Remunerative Employment
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1884)
- Hints on Modeling in Clay, by Fred Miller
(Girl's Own Paper, 1887)
- Modelling in Putty
(Needle & Brush, 1889)
- More Hints on Modeling in Relief, by Natalie Sturges
(Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1889)
- Modeling in Leather, by Mrs. Gilbert (Peterson's, 1856)
- Fancy Leatherwork, by Mrs. C.S. Jones & Henry Williams (Household Elegancies, 1875 [book])
- Fancy indeed; this chapter offers tips on creating individual flowers and leaves of leather to create elaborate picture frames, stands, baskets and more.
- Leatherwork, by Dora Hope
(Girl's Own Paper, 1882)
- Hammering for Boys [Leatherwork], by Hetta L.H. Ward (Demorest, 1887)
- Leatherwork, Old and New, by E. Crossley
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1893)
- Embossed Leatherwork, by Blanche C. Saward
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- Cut Leatherwork, by Leirion Clifford
(Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- The Decorated Book Cover for Christmas, by Sarah MacConnell (Ladies Home Journal, 1898)
- Besides tips on making book covers, this article also shows a variety of lovely hand-made photo frames.
- A Gossip on Hand-Turning, by Ardern Holt
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1877)
- "Turning can be applied to pretty well every solid substance -- metal, wood, pottery, stone, ivory, coral, jet, and alabaster."
- How to Make a Metronome
(Girl's Own Paper, 1885)
- Fashionable Art Work: Inlaying with Ivory and Mother-of-Pearl
(Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1888)
- Fashionable Artwork: Mosaics
(Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1888)
- Mosaic Work, and How It Is Executed, by C. Harrison Townsend
(Girl's Own Paper, 1888)
- Chamois and Celluloid Articles
(Needle & Brush, 1889)
- A pincushion cover, card case, various small bags and more.
- Gesso Work, by E. Crossley
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1890)
- Cloissone: An Easy Mode of Decorating Items for the Home
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1892)
- Cloisonne Enamel, by Blanche C. Saward
(Girl's Own Paper, 1892)
- The Use of the Lathe, by W.A.S. Benton
(English Illustrated Magazine, 1892A)
- Household crafts and projects that can be accomplished by "turning" on a lathe, with many interesting illustrations.
- How to Utilise Old Kid Gloves and Old Corks, by Blanche C. Saward
(Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- This has so many fascinating uses for "discards" I couldn't resist including the picture...

- On Various Bookmarkers, by B.C. Saward (Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- A bit of the history of bookmarks, and some charming examples to make yourself (lovely Christmas gifts!).
- Useful Hints: Fancy Flower Pots
(Girl's Own Paper, 1894)
- Tips on a variety of methods of decorating flower pots, from Egyptian/Etruscan patterns to ornamenting pots with postage stamps.
- Crazy China: What It Is and How to Make It, by Dora de Blaquière (Girl's Own Paper, 1895)
- An artistic use for broken crockery.
- Perverted Pipes, by "Cousin Lil"
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- How to turn pipes into pincushions, match-holders, etc.
- Filigree and How to Make It, by Leirion Clifford (Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Tips on creating lovely flowers and leaves in filigree wire.
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