Home > Victorian Fashion > Home Dressmaking, Sewing & Millinery
If you wanted a new gown in Victorian days, you generally didn't just pop down to the department store and buy one. You visited your dressmaker if you could afford one; if you couldn't, you made it yourself. Hence, most fashion features in Victorian magazines were actually for patterns; many included the address from which you could order the patterns for the designs shown. Other articles, like those below, provided patterns and instructions for individual garments or accessories.
- Dress Patterns
(Peterson's, 1858)
- Clothing Patterns (Peterson's Magazine, 1865)
- Clothing Patterns
(Peterson's, 1866)
- Clothing Patterns
(Peterson's, 1872)
- Inexpensive Home Millinery, by Dora de Blacquière
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1876)
- Home Dressmaking, by Abeille
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1876)
- Kilting Your Flounces
(Peterson's, 1879)
- University Hoods and How to Make Them
(Girl's Own Paper, 1880)
- Winter Clothes and How to Make Them, by Dora de Blaquière
(Girl's Own Paper, 1880)
- How Dressing Gowns Are Made; How to Make a Gentleman's Dressing Gown
(Girl's Own Paper, 1881)
- Fashionable Bags and Their Uses, by B.C. Saward
(Girl's Own Paper, 1888)
- How to make a variety of fashionable bags.
- Home Dressmaking, by Laura Lathrop
(Ingalls' Home Magazine, 1889)
- What to Do with a Wedding Gown
(Girl's Own Paper, 1892)
- Tips on turning a wedding gown into a fashionable evening dress.
- The Crimean Nightcap, by Cousin Lil
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- Home Dressmaking Up to Date, by Dora de Blaquière
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- Home Millinery Up to Date, by Dora de Blaquière
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- How to Renovate a Vest
(Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- A Seamless Bodice, by Cousin Lil
(Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Warm Sleeves that Cost Nothing, by J.E. Shepherd
(Girl's Own Paper, 1897)
- Hand-Made Buttons
(Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- Gentleman's Dress Shirt Protector, by Cousin Lil
(Girl's Own Paper, 1899)
- Morning or Dressing Jackets in Flannel, Silk or Cashmere
(Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- Collar of Steel Beads and Velvet (picture)
(Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- A Pretty Zouave Jacket
(Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- Two Charming Evening Wraps
(Girl's Own Paper, 1900)
- Coal Glove for Sickroom, by Nona
(Girl's Own Paper, 1902)
- • See also Children's Clothing/Sewing for Children
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