Home > Victorian London > Hospitals
If you do a search on "Victorian hospitals," you'll find endless results declaring that they were little more than "gateways to death," places of horror and despair from which a patient would need a veritable miracle to escape, let alone recover. Other articles declare that hospital care (and health care in general) was available only to the wealthy. Yet many Victorian-era articles tell a different story. Many resources were indeed available for those without funds, and patients write of the dedicated care they received from hospital staff. A "visit" to a hospital was often a lengthy affair; one writer describes a ten-week stay. Perhaps it's well to remember that from the Victorian perspective, a Victorian hospital was surely an improvement on what went before -- even if by today's standards they might seem a bit less salubrious.
- A Visit to Greenwich Hospital
(Illustrated London Almanack, 1855)
- St. Matthew's Day at Christ's Hospital
(Illustrated London Almanack, 1855)
- Christ's Hospital
(Cassell's Family Paper, 1859)
- My Attendance at the Brompton Hospital
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1878)
- A patient's experiences at a famous hospital for consumptives.
- The Nursing of the London Poor, by Sophia Caulfeild
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1878)
- A look at the activities of the nursing institutions established specifically to deal with the medical needs of London's poor.
- The New Order of St. Katherine
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- A history of London's Hospital of St. Katherine.
- My Experiences of Hospital Children
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1881)
- A Sketch of the Children's Incurable Hospital, by Rosa Carey
(Girl's Own Paper, 1882)
- Stories of the "Little Folks" Cots, by Anna Beale
(Little Folks, 1883)
- Beds sponsored by Little Folks Magazine at the East London Hospital for Children.
- Christmas in the New Hospital for Women, by S.F.A. Caulfeild
(Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- How Christmas is celebrated in the wards of a London women's hospital.
- Hospitals and the Benefits They Confer, by Emma Brewer
(Girl's Own Paper, 1887)
- The Mary Wardell Convalescent Home for Scarlet Fever, by Anne Beale
(Girl's Own Paper, 1889)
- Christmas Day in a London Hospital
(Girl's Own Paper, 1890)
- At the Children's Hospital
(The Strand, 1891A)
- Hospital Days and Hospital Ways, by Augusta E. Mansford
- A ten-week stay at a London hospital makes for interesting reading - not least because the physican makes his rounds with his terrier, Peter!
- Hospital Sketches
(Girl's Own Paper, 1898)
- Discover how patients enjoyed "Christmas in the wards"!
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