Home > Victorian Nature > Wildlife > Reptiles & Amphibians
That an article below is titled "Snakes, Toads, and Other Alarming Creatures" says a great deal about the Victorian view of reptiles and amphibians! This is one set of creatures that Victorians may have found intriguing, but generally not particularly charming!
- Extinct Animals
(Cassell's Family Paper, 1860)
- Includes a charming engraving of various dinosaurs.
- The Gigantic Salamander of Japan
(Leisure Hour, 1860)
- Snakes
(Leisure Hour, 1860)
- Newts and Salamanders, by Andrew Wilson
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1878)
- Tame Snakes: A True Story, by Walter Severn (Cassell's Family Magazine, 1884)
- On the wisdom, or lack thereof, of keeping a boa and a python as pets.
- Wonderful Reptiles, by Frederick Whymper
(Girl's Own Paper, 1884)
- The Poison of Serpents, by S. Weir Mitchell
(Century Magazine, 1889B)
- On the venom of various types of snakes, how to gather it, and its antidotes.
- The Crocodile
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Crocodile Tales
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Encounter with a Cobra
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Rattlesnakes and Vipers
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- The Turtle Fishery
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Snapping Turtles
(Pictorial Museum of Sport & Adventure, ca. 1890)
- Snakes, Toads, and Other Alarming Creatures, by Darley Dale
(Girl's Own Paper, 1890)
- Worth reading just for the introductory paragraphs on how "city girls from London" react to encountering such creatures (alive or dead!) when strolling in the countryside.
- Narrow Escapes from Cobras, by Captain C.H. Ozanne
(Stories of History, 1891)
- Zig-Zags at the Zoo 10: Zig-Zag Ophidian, by Arthur Morrison and J.A. Shepherd
(The Strand, 1893)**
- Snakes.
- Zig-Zags at the Zoo 19: Zig-Zag Batrachian , by Arthur Morrison and J.A. Shepherd
(The Strand, 1894)**
- Frogs & toads.
- Zig-Zags at the Zoo 22: Zig-Zag Saurian, by Arthur Morrison and J.A. Shepherd
(The Strand, 1894)**
- Crocodiles & alligators.
- Moorland Idylls 8: A Heather [and Lizard] Episode,* by Grant Allen
(English Illustrated Magazine, 1895A)
- * See Grant Allen's Nature Series for the complete "In Nature's Workshop", "Glimpses of Nature" and "Moorland Idylls" series.
- ** See the complete ZigZags at the Zoo series.
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