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Victorian People:
A-Z List
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Our "Victorian People" section currently offers articles on over 750 noteworthy Victorians. Use the A-Z list below to locate a specific individual. The link for each name will take you to the topical page on which that individual is listed (e.g., "artists," "adventurers," "statesmen," "MPs," etc.) Many individuals are listed under more than one category, but each listing includes links to all the articles in our archive for that person. See our Historical A-Z List for Victorian articles on historic (i.e., pre-Victorian) individuals, and the Royalty section for articles on Victorian and pre-Victorian royalty in Britain and around the world. (The list below does not include individuals included in general "round-up" articles.)
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Agassiz, Professor
Alcott, Louisa May
Alden, Isabella M.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Alexander, Cecil Frances
Alma-Tadena, Laurens/Lawrence
Andersen, Hans Christian
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Dr. Thomas
Andrews, William
Argyll, The Duke of
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman
Arnold, Matthew
Arnold, Sir Edwin
Ashburton, Lady Louisa
Auchmuty, Col. Richard T
Austin, Sarah
Bülow, Hans von
Bacon, Leonard
Baden-Powell, Colonel
Bagehot, Walter
Baker, Lady Florence
Balestier, Wolcott
Balfour, Arthur
Ballantine, Serjeant
Balmat, Jacques
Bancroft, George
Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine
Barnard, George Grey
Barnardo, Dr., FRCS
Barye, Antoine Louis
Bashkirtseff, Marie
Baxter, Richard
Beale, Anne
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bell, Joseph
Bellamy, Mrs. Edward
Benedict, Sir Julius
Bennett, Sterndale
Benson, Dr.
Bentham, Jeremy
Bentley, J.J.
Beresford, Lord Charles
Bergh, Henry
Berkeley, Stanley
Berlioz, Hector,
Bernhardt, Sarah
Bert, Paul
Besant, Walter
Bianconi, Charles
Bickerdyke, Mary
Birch, Mr.
Bird, Isabella
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne
Blackie, Professor
Blackwood, William
Blair, Francis
Blanc, Louis
Bliss, Rev. Philip
Blunt, Lady Anne
Bonheur, Rosa
Booth, Edwin
Boothby, Guy
Boothby, Lady (Mrs. Nisbett)
Borchgrevink, C.E.
Borwick, Leonard
Bosquet, General
Boughton, George Henry
Bowles, Samuel
Braddon, Miss
Brampton, Baron Brampton of
Braybrooke, Lord
Breckinridge, John
Brewster, Sir David
Brickdale, Fortescue
Bridge, Sir Frederick
Bridgman, Laura
Bright, John
Brightwell (Cecilia Lucy?)
Bristol, Marquis of
Broderip, William John
Brontë, Charlotte
Brooks, Phillips
Brooks, William
Brougham, Henry Peter
Brown, Dr. John
Browne, Dr. George Forrest
Browne, Hablot Knight
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett & Robert
Brownlow, Elliott
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Bryant, William Cullen
Bryce, Professor James
Bryennios, Bishop Philotheos
Buchanan, President
Buckland, Francis
Bull, John
Buller, General Sir Redvers Henry
Bulow, Mme. The Baroness de Marenholz-von
Burdett-Coutts, Baroness
Burgess Twins
Burnaby, Mrs. F.
Burnand, Mr. F.C.
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burnham, S.W.
Burroughs, John
Burton, Lord
Bute, The Marquis of
Butler, Lady
Butler, Lady Eleanor Charlotte
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell
Cable, George W.
Cameron, Beatrice
Campbell, Col.
Campbell, General Sir Colin
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick
Capper, Charles
Carey, Rosa Nouchette
Carlyle, Thomas
Carpenter, William Boyd
Carriès, Jean
Carroll, Anna Ella
Carroll, Lewis
Cary, Alice & Phoebe
Castelar, Emilio
Cavendish, William Spencer
Chadwick, Edwin
Chandler, George
Charles, Lallie
Chase, Salmon P.
Chase, William
Chauvin, Mlle.
Chesshyre, Rev. William John
Church, F.S.
Cialdini, General
Clarendon, Lord
Clark, Sir Andrew
Clay, Henry
Cleveland, Grover President
Clinton, De Witt
Clough, Anne
Coillard, Rev. Francois
Cole, Timothy
Coleridge, Sara
Coleridge, Sir J.T
Collier, John
Colman, Mr. J.J.
Colvin, John
Conway, Sir W. Martin
Cooper, Martha
Cooper, Peter
Cooper, T. Sidney
Coppock, James
Coquelin, Benoit-Constant
Corelli, Marie
Cornish-Bowden, Esther Mary
Cornwall, Barry
Corot, Jean
Courbet, Gustave
Couture, Thomas
Cowden-Clarke, Mary
Cox, Kenyon
Coxwell, Henry
Craggs, the Marvelous
Craik, Dinah Maria
Creighton, The Right Hon. Rev. Dr. Mandell
Crispi, Francesco
Crockett, S.R.
Crofton, Vice Admiral George
Currie, Sir Donald
Curtis, George William
Curwen, John
Curzon, Right Hon. George
Dache, Caran
D'Albertis, Signor
Dana, Richard Henry
Darling, Grace
Darling, Maggie & Jessie
Darwin, Charles
Dass, Bava Luchman
Daubigny, Charles-Francois
Daudet, Alphonse
Daumier, Honore
Davies, Fanny
Davis, Jefferson
de Blowitz, Henri
De Cavour, Count Camille Benso
de Chavannes, Puvis
de la Pena, Narcisse Diaz
De Lesseps, Count Ferdinand
de Monvel, Maurice Boutet
De Morny, Count
De Quincey, Thomas
De Tocqueville, Alexis
de Vere, Aubrey
Deland, Margaret
Delany, Mary
Demont-Breton, Virginie
Demorest, William Jennings
Denison, the Right Hon. John Evelyn
Detaille, M. Edouard
Devant, David
Devon, Earl of
Dibb, Samuel
Dick, Quintin
Dickens, Charles
Dicksee, Frank
Disraeli, Benjamin
D'Istria, Dora
Dix, Dorothea
Dobson, Austin
Dolly, Mother
Dorner, Isaak August
Downman, Admiral Hugh
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Dreyfus, Albert
Du Maurier, George
Dufferin, Marquis of
Dumfermline, Lord
Dundonald, Lord
Duse, Eleonora
Dutt, Toru
Dvorák, Antonín,
Edison, Thomas
Edmonds, Catherine
Edwards, Amelia
Elder, Rev. Edward
Eliot, George
Elwes, John
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Ericsson, John
Evarts, Mrs. William
Ewing, Mrs.
Faithfull, Miss Emily
Fane, Julian
Farragut, Admiral David
Fawcett, Professor Henry
Fazy, James
Felix, Rachel
Fildes, Luke
Fish, Hamilton
Fitzgerald, E.A.
Flammarion, Nicholas Camille
Forbes, Stanhope
Forster, William Edward
Fowler, H.H
Franklin, Gen. William B.
Franz, Robert
Fraser, John Foster
Fromentin, Eugene
Froude, James Anthony
Fry, Elizabeth
Fuller, George
Fuller, Löie
Fuller, Margaret
Furley, Sir John
Furniss, Harry
Gale, Leonard
Gambetta, Léon
Garfield, President James
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garrison, William Lloyd
Germain, Sophie
Gibbon, Edward
Giberne, Agnes
Gilbert, Bessie
Gilbert, Sir John
Gilbert, W.S.
Gilfallan, George Ross
Gillette, William
Gladstone, William
Glass, Joseph
Glave, Edward Jones
Godin, Madame
Goluchowski, Count Agenor
Gordon, Col. George “Chinese”
Gordon-Cumming, Miss Constance F.
Got, Monsieur
Gotch, T.C.
Gounod, Charles Francois
Gower, Lord Ronald
Grace, W.G.
Grand Lama of the Trans-Baikal
Grant, President Ulysses S.
Grant, James
Greeley, Horace
Greely, Gen. Adolphus W.
Greenaway, Kate
Gregory, Dr. J.W.
Grieg, Edvard
Grossmith, George
Grubb, Sir Howard
Haggard, H. Rider
Hailey, Clarence
Hale, Edward Everett
Hale, John P.
Halford, Sir Henry
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S.C.
Hallé, Lady
Hamlin, Hannibal
Hanotaux, M. Albert Auguste Gabriel
Hardy, Thomas
Harris, Richard
Harris, Sir Augustus
Harrison, Clifford
Harrison, Henry
Harrison, President Benjamin
Harte, Bret
Harvey, William
Hatton, Frank
Hatton, George Finch
Hatzfeldt, Count
Havelock, Sir Henry
Havergal, Frances Ridley
Hawke, Lord
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hay, John
Haydon, Benjamin Robert
Hedin, Dr. Sven
Heine, Christian Johann Heinrich
Helmholtz, Hermann von
Hemy, C. Napier
Henderson, John
Henley, John W.
Henniker-Heaton, J.
Henry, Joseph
Herford, Beatrice
Herkomer, Hubert
Herschel, Caroline
Herschel, Sir William
Hervey, Thomas Kibble
Heusser, Meta
Higgins, John
Hobson, Tobias
Hodson, Lt. William Steven Raikes
Hofmann, Josef
Hoffman, Professor (Angelo Lewis)
Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holub, Dr.
Homer, Winslow
Hood, Thomas
Hooker, Gen. Joseph
Hooker, Dr. Joseph Dalton
Hope, Major William
Hopkins, Dr.
Houston, Samuel
Howe, Julia Ward
Howells, William Dean
Hugo, Victor
Hullah, John
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humperdinck, Engelbert
Hungerford, Margaret
Hunt, Leigh
Hunt, William
Hurdis, James Henry
Ibsen, Henrik
Ingalls, Mrs. John James
Ingelow, Jean
Inness, George
Iovanovich, Zmai Iovan
Irving, Henry
Irving, Washington
Jackson, Helen
Jackson, "Stonewall"
Jacob, General John
Jacobi, Dr. Mary Putnam
James, Henry, Jr.
Jameson, Anna
Janotha, Natalie
Jefferies, Richard
Jefferson, Joseph
Jekyll, Sir Joseph
Jerome, Jerome K.
Jeune, Sir Francis
Joachim, Joseph
Johnson, Manuel John
Johnston, Albert Sidney
Johnston, Col. Richard Malcolm
Jones, Agnes
Jones, Charles
Jopling, Miss
June, Jenny
Karslake, Henry
Kean, Charles
Kearny, Philip
Keller, Helen
Kemble, Frances
Kendal, Mr. & Mrs.
Kennan, George
Kernahan, Coulson
Killowen, Lord Russell of
Kilpatrick, Charles
King, Alice
Kingsley, Charles
Kipling, Rudyard
Knill, Sir Stuart
Kosciuszko, Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura
Kossuth, Louis
Kovalevsky, Sonia
Kyrle, John
Lablache, Louis
Lamborn, Josiah
Landor, Walter Savage
Lang, Andrew
Langley, Madame Beatrice
Lanier, Sidney
Larrabee, E.C.
Lauri, Charles
Laurie, Richard Holmes
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid
Lazaret, David
Lazarus, Emma
Le Claire, Edme Jean
Le Grice, Rev. C. Val.
Lee, Robert E.
Leech, John
Leighton, Sir Frederick
Leo XIII, Pope
Leschetizky, Professor
Lewis, Angelo (Professor Hoffman)
Lewis, Rev. Thomas Taylor
Lewis, Sir George
Li Hung Chang, Viceroy
Lieber, Dr. Francis
Lilford, Lord
Lincoln, Abraham
Liszt, Franz
Littré, Émile
Livesey, Joseph
Livingstone, David
Locke, John
Locker, Frederick
Loftus, W. Kennett
Lover, Samuel
Lowell, James Russell
Lyde, Elsie
Lyall, Edna
Lyons, Admiral Lord
Lyons, Baron Edmund
Macauley, Lord
Macdowell, Edward
MacFarlan, Rev. Duncan
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander
MacKenzie, Sir Morell
MacLagan, William Dalrymple
MacLaren, A.C.
MacLaren, Ian
MacPherson, Miss
Malet, Lucas
Manning, Cardinal
Markham, Rear Admiral A.H.
Markham, Sir Clements
Marks, Henry Stacy
Marlitt, E.
Marsden, Kate
Marshall, John
Martineau, Harriet
Maskelyne, J.N.
Mason, Cpt. Monck
Mason, Josiah
Massenet, Jules Émile
Massey, Mrs.
Maule, Sir William Henry
Maxim, Hiram
Mazzini, Joseph
McClellan, George
McCosh, James
McGrigor, Sir James
McKinley, President William
Mendelssohn, Jakob Ludwig Felix
Menzel, Adolph
Messonier, Jean
Meszaros, General Lazarus
Methuen, Lord
Meunier, Amanda
M'Giffin, Captain
Michel, George
Millais, John Everett
Miller, Rev. John
Millet, Francis Davis
Millet, Jean François
Mitchell, Maria
Monet, Claude
More, Hannah
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morgan, Lady Sydney
Morris, Lewis
Morris, William
Morse, Samuel
Morton, Earl of
Motley, John Lothrop
Mouravieff, General
Muir, John
Murray, Alexander
Murray, Sir John Archibald
Nansen, Fridtjof
Napier, Field Marshal Robert Cornelius
Nesbit, E.
Newman, Cardinal John Henry
Newman, John
Nicolay, John
Nightingale, Florence
Nisbett, Mrs.
Njordenskold, Prof.
North, Marianne
Nye, Edgar
O'Conor, Charles
O'Hara, Theodore
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Orchardson, William
O'Reilly, John Boyle
Ossoli, Margaret Fuller
Owen, Sir Richard
Paderewski, Ignace Jan
Paganini, Niccolò
Palmer, Alice Freeman
Palmer, George
Palmer, Sir Charles
Palmer, William
Palmerston, Viscount
Panmure, The Right Honorable Lord
Parker, Thomas
Parkman, Francis
Parsons, Thomas William
Pascal, Gilberte
Payn, James
Peacock, George
Pellow, Hon. Major
Pemberton, Max
Perceval, Col. Alexander
Pfeiffer, Ida
Phillip, John
Phillips, Charles
Pierce, President Franklin
Pierson, Rear Admiral Sir William Henry
Pinto, Serpa
Pobedonostzeff, Constantine
Poe, Edgar Allan
Ponsonby, Hon. Sarah
Potozka, Countess
Potter, Bessie
Powell, Douglas
Prentice, George D.
Prescott, William Hickling
Prinsep, Val
Procter, Adelaide Anne
Procter, Bryan Waller (“Barry Cornwall”)
Psalmanazar, George
Purcell, Kathleen
Pusey, Dr. Edward Bouverie
Réjane, Gabrielle
Ramabai Sarasvati, Pundita
Rambler Troupe
Ranjitsinhji, Prince
Rapp, George
Rauch, Christian
Rawlinson, Sir Robert
Raymond, Aimee, MD
Read, Thomas Buchanan
Reade, Charles
Reed, E.T.
Reid, Cpt. Mayne
Reid, Sir George
Repin, Ilya
Reschid Pacha
Richter, Hans
Rintoul, Robert Steven
Ripon, Earl of
Rittenhouse, David
Riviere, Briton
Roberts, Lord
Robertson, Frederick W.
Robertson, J. Forbes
Robertson, Cpt. James
Roebuck, Mr.
Romer, The Right Hon. Lord Justice
Ronner, Henriette
Rosebery, Lord
Rosenthal, Moriz
Rossetti, Christina
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rossiter, William
Rouher, Eugène
Rousseau, Theodore
Rubinstein, Anton
Ruskin, John
Russell, J.
Russell, J.W.
Russell, Mr. John Scott
Russell, William Howard
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Sala, George Augustus
Salisbury, The Marquis of
Salvini, Tommaso
Sand, George
Sanger, Lord George
Sardou, Mme. Victorien
Sargent, John S.
Savory, Isabel
Schubert, Franz,
Schumann, Clara
Schumann, Robert
Scott, LTC Robert
Scribe, Eugène
Sedgwick, Catherine Maria
Selous, Frederick
Shaftesbury, Lord
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sheridan, Philip H.
Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh Shiffner, Vice-Admiral Sir Henry
Shubrick, Rear Admiral William Branford
Siddons, Sarah
Sienkiewicz, Henryk
Sill, Edward Rowland
Skinner, Misses
Sloane, William Mulligan
Smith, Norton B.
Smith, Roswell
Smyth, Dr. William
Solomon, Solomon J.
Somerville, Mary Fairfax
Sowler, Thomas
Spelterini, Edward
Spencer, Earl Frederick
Spencer, Percival
Spohr, Louis
Spooner, John
Spurgeon, Charles
Stanford, Mrs. Leland
Stanhope, Lady Hester
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Stanley, Henry Morton
Stanton, Gen. Edwin
Starey, Mrs.
Stavenhagen, Bernhard
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Steinla, Moritz
Stephenson, Robert
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stillman, William James
Stockton, Frank
Stone, Marcus
Stone, Sir J. Benjamin
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Stradling, William
Strangways, Henry Fox
Stuart, Gilbert
Sullivan, Arthur
Sumner, Gen. Edwin Vose
Sutton, Seth
Swansea, Lord
Szczepanik, Jan
Töpffer, Rodolphe
Taylor, Bayard
Taylor, Edward Thompson
Taylor, Richard
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Terry, Ellen
Tesla, Nikola
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thackwell, Gen. Sir Joseph
Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Thompson, John W.
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornycroft, Hamo
Thorwaldsen, Albert Bartholomew
Thumb, Tom
Tinworth, George
Tissot, James
Todd, Dr. John
Tolstoy, Leo
Tooks, Thomas
Tourguéneff, Ivan
Townsend, Rev. George
Travers, Benjamin
Travers, Rear Admiral Sir Eaton Stanley
Tree, Mr. & Mrs. Beerbohm
Trewey, M.
Tricoupis, Charilaos
Trollope, Anthony
Tua, Teresina
Tucker, Charlotte
Tunison, Fannie
Turner, Ethel
Twain, Mark
Tytler, Patrick Fraser
Urrabieta, Daniel Vierge
Vail, Alfred
Vail, Judge Stephen
van Beers, Jan
Van der Kamp, Dr. Theodore
Varnbery, Arminius
Verdi, Giuseppe
Verestchagin, M. Vasili
Verne, Jules
Verner, William Willoughby Cole
Very, Jones
von Humboldt, Alexander
Von Manteuffel, Baron
Von Moltke, Count
Von Uhde, Fritz
Wagner, Richard
Walker, Lucy
Walther, Madame Andre
Ward, Artemus
Ward, Henrietta
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey
Warner, Olin
Warre, Rev. Edmond
Watts, Frederick
Webster, Daniel
Welch, Lucy Kemp
Welldon, The Rev. J.E.C.
Wellington, Duke of
Westcott, Dr. Brooke Foss
Weyman, Stanley
Wheatstone, Sir Charles
White, Mrs. Meadows
White, Sir William H.
Whitman, Walt
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Whitworth, Joseph
Wiertz, Antoine
Wilde, Constance Lloyd (Mrs. Oscar Wilde)
Wilkins, Mary Eleanor
Williams, Anna Willis
Williams, Archdeacon
Williams, Major-General Sir William Fenwick
Williams, Montagu
Williamson, F.J.
Wilson, Augusta Evans
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, John
Wilson, Mr. C.H.
Wilson, Thomas
Windham, Major-General Charles, CB
Wolseley, Lord
Wood, Mrs. Henry
Woods, Henry
Woolf, M.
Woolsey, Dr. Theodore Dwight
Wyndham, Charles
Yates, Edmund
Yonge, Charlotte
Ysaye, Eugene
Zorn, Andres