Home > Lists & Statistics > Deaths & Obituaries
- Origins of Bills of Mortality
(Illustrated London Almanack, 1850)
- Apparently since the time of Queen Elizabeth it was the custom in London to publicly post weekly notices of deaths and causes of death. This article also gives statistics on homes and home-building in London.
- Statistics of Metropolitan Burial Grounds
(Illustrated London Almanack, 1850)
- The acreage of burial grounds in London used by each religious sect (e.g., Catholic, Protestant, Dissenters, Jews, etc.), along with the interesting tid-bit that it is estimated to take seven years for "a layer of bodies to decay" in London.
- Deaths/Deaths of Clergy 1858
(Gentleman's Magazine, 1858-1859)
- A monthly chronological listing of deaths of noteworthy individuals for the month, often with brief but interesting obituaries.
- Deaths/Deaths of Clergy 1859
(Gentleman's Magazine, 1858-1859)
- A monthly chronological listing of deaths of noteworthy individuals for the month, often with brief but interesting obituaries.
- Tables of Mortality in the Districts of London - 1858-1859 (Gentleman's Magazine, 1858-1859)
- Tables of deaths (by age) and births within the districts of London by month. See the article above on "Origins of Bills of Mortality" for more information on the origin of these tables.
- Rate of Mortality in American Cities
(Collier's Cyclopedia, 1882)
- Statistics
(Illustrated London Almanack, 1882)
- A variety of statistics, including expenditures of the local government board; death rate of England and Wales; comparison of the failure of crops; Indian commerce and revenue; and the Indian census.
- Summary of Persons of Note or Title Who Have Died Within the Year [in Britain]
(Illustrated London Almanack)
- These lists often also include an additional list of persons who died leaving an estate of over a quarter of a million pounds.
- 1852 • 1853 •
1854 •
1855 •
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1863 •
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1882 •
1883 •
1884 •
1885 •
1886 •
1887 •
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