Home > The Victorian World > The Far East > Other Asian Countries
Many of the countries that I've grouped here under "other Asian countries" were far from the Victorian "beaten track." The article titled "Across Asia by Bicycle" includes a warning from the Czar of Russia that the travelers who embarked upon this journey did so "at their own risk." Countries that were the colonies of other powers were not always receptive to tourists from England and America. And some, like Tibet, could be positively hostile. At the least, it took a dedicated traveler to come to know these countries to any real extent - but on the positive side, such dedication often means that such articles are less politically incorrect than most!
- Ceylon
(Leisure Hour, 1860)
- A City of the Dead
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1875)
- The history of some ancient ruins of Ceylon.
- A Bath at Penang
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- Burmah and the Burmese
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1879)
- A Visit to a Ceylon Coffee Estate by Arthur Knight
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1883)
- Mongolian Girls, by the Rev. James Gilmour
(Girl's Own Paper, 1885)
- A Pilgrimage to Buddha's Tooth, by William Trant
(Cassell's Family Magazine, 1885)
- A look at "Buddha's Tooth," a relic housed in Kandy, Ceylon.
- France and Indo-China, by Augustine Heard
(Century Magazine, 1886B)
- French military efforts to retain and expand their colonies in Indo-China.
- The Straits Settlement and British Malaya, by Sir J. Frederick Dickson, KCMG
(English Illustrated Magazine, 1890A)
- An American in Tibet, by W. Woodville Rockhill
(Century Magazine, 1891A)
- Life in the Malay Peninsula, by John Fairlie
(Century Magazine, 1893A)
- Driven Out of Tibet, by W. Woodville Rockhill
(Century Magazine, 1894A)
- "An attempt to pass from China through Tibet into India."
- Across Asia by Bicycle, by Thomas Gaskell Allen, Jr., and William Lewis Sachtleben
(Century Magazine, 1894B)
- "The journey of two American students from Constantinople to Peking" - a lengthy series with lots of fine illustrations.
- Where the Teak-Wood Grows, by Marion Manville Pope
(Century Magazine, 1894B)
- Harvesting teak in Burmah, chiefly through the use of elephants.
- Elephant Catching, by D.H. Wise
(The Strand, 1895A)
- Capturing elephants in the Malay.
- Kalimpong: A Girl's Ride into British Butan
(Girl's Own Paper, 1896)
- Our heroine faces a serious crisis: the ponies were all furnished with men's saddles!
- Greater Britain: A Birds-Eye View, by the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, MP, Secretary of State for the Colonies
(Good Words, 1902)
- This 45-page overview of the status of Britain's colonies looks at the past history of colonial administration, the present, and plans for the future. It then takes the reader on a tour of the colonies of India, Ceylon, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Lots of photos!
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