Page 57 - Graveyard
P. 57

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 55

               118.  By Walter Savage Landor. For the grave of Mr. G. P. R.
               James, at Venice:—

                   George Payne Rainsford James,  British Consul-General in the
                   Adriatic, died at Venice, aged 60, on the 9  of June, 1860. His merits
                   as a writer are known wherever the English language is, and as a man
                   they rest on  the hearts of  many. A few friends  have erected this
                   humble and perishable monument.

               119.  From the Churchyard of Allowa. On the Rev. Robert
               Johnston, parish minister of that place:—

                   Before this monument of stones
                   Lie honest Robert Johnston’s bones;
                   He lived devoutly, died in peace;
                   Prompt by religion and grace,
                   Endowed a preacher for this place.
                   With consent of his wife to be
                   Here by him when she falls to dee.
                   At her expense this tomb was raised
                   For him whose worth she prized and praised.

               120.  On an Infant:—

                   Bold infidel, lie down and die.
                   Beneath this stone an Infant’s ashes lie;
                   Say, is he lost or saved?
                   If death’s by sin, he died because he’s here;
                   If Heaven’s by works, in Heaven he can’t appear.
                   Revere the Bible’s sacred page, the knot’s untied:
                   He died, for Adam sinn’d—he lives, for Jesus died.

               121.  From St. John’s Church, Beverley, Yorkshire.

               On the outside is an oval stone tablet; on the upper portion are sculptured
               two straight swords, crossed, painted and gilded, beneath which are the
               following lines:—
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