Page 15 - Poetry-Animals
P. 15

A Useful Bird

               When people in derision say,
                   “A perfect goose is she,”
               It seems to me the other way;
                   In praise it ought to be.
               A goose is such a useful bird,
                   And was more useful still
               When all who wrote, as I have heard,
                   Wrote only with a quill.
               And there are some who still delight
                   In the old-fashioned plan;
               Who never did with steel pens write,
                   And never will, nor can.
               Thus quills to them are useful things,
                   So long as they can write.
               Then there’s the feather bed that brings
                   Them ease and rest at night.
               We know the flesh is good to eat,
                   And when the year comes round
               To Michaelmas, no greater treat
                   Than roast goose can be found.
               Then there’s the oily, fatty part
                   Which makes our chapped hands soft—
               When frost or wind has made them smart
                   Full many a time and oft.
               And there is yet another thing,
                   Which housemaids can apply—
               A thoroughly dried goose’s wing
                   Will make the cobwebs fly.
               I am not versed in classic lore
                   (So much the greater pity),
               But it is said, in days of yore,
                   A goose once saved a city.
               So if you’re ever said to be
                   Exactly like a goose,
               You can reply, “I’m glad to see
                   I am of so much use.”

               —(Girl’s Own Paper, 1880)

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