Page 16 - Poetry-Books
P. 16

We shall fail in
                                  Our duty to Galen.
                          No tutor henceforward shall rack us
                           To construe old Horatius Flaccus.
                            We have but a wretched opinion
                                   Of Mr. Justinian.
                       In our classical pabulum mix we no wee sop
                                       Of Æsop.
                        Our balance of intellect asks for no ballast
                                     From Sallust.
                    With feminine scorn no fair Vassar-bred lass at us
                    Shall smile if we own that we cannot read Tacitus.
                     No admirer shall ever now wreath with begonias
                                 The bust of Suetonius.
                               And so, if you follow me,
                               We’ll have to cut Ptolemy.
                      Besides, it would just be considered facetious
                                 To look at Lucretius.
                                     And you can
                           Not go in Society if you read Lucan.
                              And we cannot have any fun
                                   Out of Xenophon.

                              —(Century Magazine, 1883)

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