Page 29 - Poetry-Books
P. 29

Forgotten Books

               Of books I sing, but not of those
               Which any Book Collector knows,
               The priceless, rare editions, not,
               But volumes which the world forgot
               And with them those who wrote, as well,
               Before they had a chance to sell:
               Ephemerals that find themselves
               With the Immortals on my shelves.
               I name no names, for if I should
               None would recall them now, nor could
               A word of mine bring any one
               Out of its long Oblivion.
               The ink on many fly-leaves still
               Looks quite as fresh as when the quill
               On each inscribed an author’s name,
               And signed his title there to Fame
               Without one solitary fear
               About its being proven clear.
               One has its pages still uncut,
               Clean, kept ironically shut
               By him whose name therein is penned
               Above: From his devoted friend.
               And not infrequently I come
               Across the imprint of a thumb,
               Or in the paragraphs I find
               A pleasing sentence underlined,
               Or neatly on the margin set
               A compliment in epithet:
               Each one of these, I’m satisfied,
               Was read before its author died.

               But there is one among them all,
               Morocco bound, gilt-edged, and small,
               Filled with the amatory rhymes
               Of ante-Tennysonian times,
               Stiff in their phraseology
               And rather rough in melody.
               ‘T is Dedicated unto Her
               By Her Unworthie Worshipper.

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