Page 5 - Poetry-Books
P. 5


               Introduction, by Moira Allen .............................................................. 5

               Part 1: For the Love of Books ................................................... 7
               The Art of Book-Keeping, by Laman Blanchard ............................... 9
               The Future of the Classics ................................................................. 13
               A Book, Or a Riddle, by Hannah More ............................................. 15
               The Book-Hunter, by Frank Dempster Sherman ............................. 15
               Picture-Books in Winter, by Robert Louis Stevenson ...................... 17
               The Country Squire, by Tomas Yriarte ............................................. 18
               Old Books ........................................................................................... 20
               Too Many Books, by Robert Leighton ...............................................22
               De Libris, by Cosmo Monkhouse ....................................................... 23
               The Sultan of My Books, by Edmund Gosse .................................... 24
               Forgotten Books, by Frank Dempster Sherman ...............................27
               The Library, by Frank Dempster Sherman ....................................... 28
               Ballade of Poor Book-Worms, by Alice Williams Brotherton ........ 30

               Part 2: The Writing Life .......................................................... 31
               Dear Editor .......................................................................................... 33
               Ad Interim–Ad Diem–Ad Damnum! by Margaret Vandegrift ....... 36
               A Writer ............................................................................................... 37
               A Literary Success .............................................................................. 39
               “Something Humorous,” by Margaret Vandegrift .......................... 40
               Ballade of Neglected Merit, by Andrew Lang ................................... 41
               A Mad Poet, by Nat Lee ..................................................................... 42
               The New Play, by George Birdseye ................................................... 43
               In Advance, by Bessie Chandler ........................................................ 44
               The Curse (A Warning to Editors, by Robertson Trowbridge ........ 45
               The Truth About It, by Mrs .M.P. Handy ........................................ 46
               The Bitter Soliloquery of a Lesser Poet, by Anthony Morehead .... 47
               Revision, by Esther B. Tiffany ........................................................... 48
               Uncertain, by Margaret Vandegrift .................................................. 49
               First Appearance in Type, by Oliver Wendell Holmes .................... 50
               Hard to Suit ......................................................................................... 51
               Ballade of Rejected MS, by Andrew Hussy Allen .............................. 52
               Ballade of a Rejecter of MS, by Tudor Jenks ..................................... 53
               The Glacier versus the Editor, by Charlotte W. Thurston ............. 54
               With Pen and Ink, by Walter Learned .............................................. 55
               A Purpose, by Margaret Vandegrift .................................................. 56
               The Dialect Tale, by Margaret Vandegrift ........................................ 57
               A Complaint, by Louisa Trumbull Cogswell .................................... 58
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