Page 21 - Poetry-Country
P. 21


               No sun—no moon!
               No morn—no noon—
               No dawn—no dust—no proper time of day-
                              No sky—no earthly view—
                              No distance looking blue
               No road—no street—no “t’other side the way”—
                              No end to any row—
                              No indications where the crescents go—
                              No top to any steeple—
               No recognitions of familiar people—
                              No courtesies for showing ‘em—
                              No knowing ‘em !
               No traveling at all—no locomotion,
               No inkling of the way—no notion—
                              “No go”—by land or ocean—
                              No mail—no post
                              No news from any foreign coast—
               No park—no ring—no afternoon gentility—
                              No company—no nobility
               No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
                   No comfortable feel in any member—
                   No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
                       No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,

               — Thomas Hood (Crown Jewels, 1887)

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