Page 22 - Poetry-Romance
P. 22

The Lazy Lover

             O brook, I suppose I ought to address you,
                Since I’m in a sentimental mood.
             I’m hardly up to it, really; but—bless you!—
                I’d  do the appropriate thing if I could.

             But at least I can try. The adorable lady
                Who reigns o’er my heart, dwells—no, that’s wrong!—she boards
             On your flowery marge, where it isn’t so shady
                As one would expect from the terms she affords.

             O brooklet, carry her this little message
                (Since you’re going that way, you can save me the walk):
             That I love her as much as I did at a less age,
                But that cash isn’t plenty—Pshaw! That’s not the talk!

             I mean, please inform her (I’m short of ideas)
                That I’ll try to call when it isn’t so hot;
             And if I had as large an income as she has,
                I’d—well, it don’t matter much—I forget what.
             The fact is—but, brooklet, hold on! You’re not going
                The right way to find her; she lives up-stream,
             And you in the opposite quarter are flowing.
                So perhaps you’ll do this: Since the heat is extreme,

             And in summer I always favor “protection”—
                Just oblige me by turning and going up hill!
             It would emphasize neatly my strong predilection,
                And I shall be greatly obliged, if you will.

             —George P. Lathrop (Scribner’s, 1879)

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