Page 5 - Poetry-Romance
P. 5


               The Language of Love, by Moira Allen .............................................. 5
               The Belles ............................................................................................. 7
               Chateaux des Espagne, by A.E. Palmer .............................................. 9
               The Ballad of Arabella, by J.T. Trowbridge ....................................... 13
               A Blue-Stocking, by Debonair ............................................................ 18
               The Lazy Lover, by George P. Lathrop ............................................. 20
               The Cambridge Exam, by C.M. Gent ................................................. 21
               The Hat ................................................................................................22
               Diana, by Paul Blake .......................................................................... 28
               Sir Jones and His Ride, by Margaret Vandegrift ............................. 29
               Her Fan ............................................................................................... 30
               Two Triolets, by Harrison Roberts .................................................... 31
               The Sea ................................................................................................ 32
               Cupid as Reporter, by Clarence Clough ............................................ 33
               A Theosophic Marriage, by Henry J.W. Dam ................................... 35
               Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, by John A. Fraser Jr. ....... 37
               The Ballad of Cassandra Brown, by Coreobus Green ...................... 38
               Valentine to a Man of Worth, by Edward Church .......................... 39
               The Sequel, by Margaret Vandegrift ................................................ 40
               A Fair Attorney, by Samuel Minturn Peck ........................................ 41
               Bessie Brown, MD, by Samuel Minturn Peck .................................. 43
               An Untutored Mind, by Frank Dempster Sherman ........................ 44
               The Tender Heart, by Helen Gray Cone ........................................... 45
               The Fair Physiologist and the Bachelor of Medicine,
                   by J. Harper Benson .................................................................... 46
               A Rhyme for Priscilla, by Frank Dempster Sherman ...................... 48
               Fulfillment, by Margaret Vandegrift ................................................ 50
               Girton Girl, by Catherine Grant Furley ............................................. 51
               The Smack in School, by W.P. Palmer ............................................. 54
               Momentous Words, by Anthony Morehead ..................................... 55
               The Perils of a Poet, by Charlotte Fiske Bates ................................. 56
               The Postman: St.Valentine’s Day, by Mary Ainge DeVere ............. 58
               The Looked-for Man, by Margaret Gilman George ........................ 59
               True to Brother Spear, by Will Carleton .......................................... 60
               A Song of Degrees, by Margaret Vandegrift .................................... 62
               Poems versus Peanuts, by DeWitt C. Lockwood ............................. 64
               My Dearest Foe .................................................................................. 64
               An Impossible Girl, by James G. Burnett ......................................... 67
               Grace After Meat, by Margaret Vandegrift ...................................... 68
               Minerva in Boston, by Edward A. Church ........................................ 69
               The Ballad of a Bachelor, by Ellis Parker Butler .............................. 70
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