Page 6 - Bits
P. 6

Bits About Animals
            “Bits About Animals” appeared regularly in The Girl’s Own Paper, and soon came to be written almost
            entirely by Ruth Lamb.  This book presents the column in very nearly chronological order (with some
            variations based on format constraints). “Fillers” appeared in the “Varieties” section of The Girl’s Own
            Paper; while these were generally presented as factual, one often feels they might need to be accompanied
            with a grain of salt...

            1880                                 Stories About Snakes               How the Ghost Was Caught
               A Careful Elephant                A Greedy Snake                     The Glove Restored
               Memory and Sagacity of a          Blind Horses                    1887
                Jackdaw                          Cats’ Little Tempers               A Sagacious Colt
               A Clever Raven                    Revenge in Cats                 1889
               Elephant Rope Dancing             Cats Plotting to Attack a Dog      Pensioner Cats
               Calculating Crow                  The Butcher’s Horse             1891
               Watch Dog                         Anecdotes of a Parrot              Messenger Pugs
               Singular Interposition            Rosie and the Doves                Blue-Cap, the Children’s
               Dying of Joy                      Captain Bluff’s Trick                Guide and Guardian
               Sense of Ridicule                 Conscience in a Dog                A Happy [Lion] Family
               Revengeful Swallow                Reconciled Enemies
               Tortoise                          Anecdote of a Canary            Fillers (various dates)
               Laddie                            Strange Nesting-Place              Teaching Tricks to Clever
               Sam                               The Curious Kitten                   Cats
               Clever Rats                       The Cunning Donkey                 Animals and Music
               Snake Charming                    Spartan, the Newfoundland          Questioning the Cuckoo
               The “Baby” Elephant               Brisk and Her Master               Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
               Parrot Piety                      Musical Animals                    The Dog of Montargis
               A Useful Pussy                    Nugget and His Tune                The Cricket on the Hearth
               French Cats                       The Affection of Cows              A Musical Elephant
               Pompey                            Tame Rats                          Cats in Old England
               A Dog that Calculated Time      1882                                 How the Cat Rang for Dinner
               Jack                              Jack, the Railway Dog              Wrens Learning to Sing
               Charley                         1883                                  The Dog and the Telephone
            1881                                 Friends in Need                    A Man’s Life Saved by Cats
               Polly’s Farewell                  Not to Be Caught Twice              What the Superstitious Say
               Revengeful Character of           A Sociable Pig                       About Pussy
                Parrots                        1884                                 A Temperance Tale
               Memory and Longevity of           The Undaunted Martin               A New Use for Bees
                Parrots                          Doing Double Duty                  A Wise Dog
               Parrot at the Register Office     A Railway Dog                      A Faithful Dog
               A Very Wise Bird                  Billy, a Seafaring Sheep           A Dog Story
               Johnny and Peacock                The Inquisitive Weka               A Royal Dog Fancier
               Polly, the Blind Mare             Our Persian Kitten                 Mercy to Man and Beast
               The Cat that Introduced a         Chance, the Fireman’s Dog
                Successor                        The Foundling Thrush
               Injustice Punished                In the Lion’s Mouth
               Rare Honesty                    1885
               Duty Before Revenge               Our Feathered Friends
               Strange Mouser                    A Swallow’s Practical Joke
               The Two Rats                      Pansy and Bob
               The Squatter Expelled             A Punctual Pensioner
               Our Dick                        1886
               The Traveling Cat                 A Little Duck
               Keen Scent in Dogs                Mr. Hare
               Grey Polly                        Necessity the Mother of
               Jolly and Her Friends               Invention
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