Page 17 - English
P. 17

George Washington was born in 1492.
                   Washington wrote the Declareation of lndependence in 1492.
                   St. Bartholemew was massacred in 1492.
                   The Brittains  were the Saxons  who entered England in  1492 under
                       Julius Caesar.
                   The earth is 1492 miles in circumference.

                   To proceed with “History”:

                   Christopher Columbus was called the Father of his Country.
                   Queen Isabella of Spain sold her watch and chain and other millinery
                       so that Columbus could discover America.
                   The Indian wars were very desecrating to the country.
                   The Indians pursued their  warfare by  hiding in the bushes and then
                       scalping them.
                   Captain John Smith has been styled the father of his country. His life
                       was saved by his daughter Pochahantas.
                   The Puritans found an insane asylum in the wilds of America.
                   The Stamp Act  was to  make everybody stamp all  materials so they
                       should be null and void.
                   Washington died in Spain almost broken-hearted. His remains  were
                       taken to the cathedral in Havana.
                   Gorilla warfare was where men rode on gorillas.
                   John Brown  was a  very  good insane  man  who tried to  get fugitives
                       slaves into Virginia. He captured all the inhabitants, but was finally
                       conquered and condemned to his death.
                   The Confederasy was formed by the fugitive slaves.
                   Alfred the Great reigned 872  years. He  was distinguished for letting
                       some buckwheat cakes burn, and the lady scolded him.
                   Henry Eight was famous for being a great widower haveing lost several
                   Lady Jane Grey studied Greek and Latin and was beheaded after a few
                   John Bright is noted for an incurable disease.
                   Lord James Gordon Bennett instigated the Gordon Riots.
                   The Middle Ages come in between antiquity and posterity.
                   Luther introduced  Christianity into England a  good  many thousand
                       years ago. His birthday was November 1883. He was once a Pope.
                       He lived at the time of the Rebellion of Worms.
                   Julius Caesar is noted for his famous telegram dispatch I carne I saw I
                   Julius Caesar was really a very great man. He was a very great soldier
                       and wrote a book for beginners in the Latin.
                   Cleopatra was caused by the death of an asp which she dissolved in a
                       wine cup.
                   The only form of government in Greece was a limited monkey.

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