Page 29 - English
P. 29

The child gave a mercenary account of the accident.
               She has just returned from the mercenary.
               This examination makes me feel very nauceous.
               The stomach contains nausea.
               Her fright was palliateable because it made her pale.
               The doctrine that like can be cured by like is called panacea.
               You will see how  pecuniary  he is when I tell you he is going to
                   marry for money.
               The family is placed under pecuniary circumstances.
               He was pecuniary or tight in his money matters.
               My perennial tuition is due to-day.
               The earth perennially revolves round the sun.
               He enjoys riding on a philosopher.
               You should take caution and be precarious.
               The propensity of this room is very small.
               She was very quick at repertoire.
               A great many persons are quite resonant.
               The naughty boy resources his mother.
               People become full of retisense when they are silent.
               Minerals crystallize in rhododendrons.
               You need not try to satiate my pathway.
               She seceded the velvet to her dress.
               The serfdom at Cony Island is very high.
               The men employed by the Gas Company go round and speculate the
               The supercilious girl acted with vicissitude when the perennial time
               He prayed for the waters to subsidize.
               The birds subsidize in the summer for the most part on fruits.
               He is a very tacit scholar because he is easily taught.
               He temporized the zinc nicely.
               We ought to temporize our health.
               The tenacious girl was good in church.
               Herod was called a tetrarch because he was so fond of tea.
               There are a good many donkeys in theological gardens.
               Some of the best fossils are found in theological cabinets.

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