Page 31 - English
P. 31

II: Grammatical

               Capitals begin every line of Deity.
               Capital letters begin at breviation.
               At the beginning of every capital letters should be used.
               Capital is used at beginning of parigraf.
               An interrogatt sentense must Begin with a Capitel Letter.
               A deceletive sentense ends with a perod. An intorogative one ends
                   with an intorogation point.
               Every sentence and name of God must begin with a caterpillar.
               When you speak of yourself you should begin it with a capital letter.
               When they are going to say some prose or poetry before they say the
                   poetry or prose  they must put  a semicolon  just after the
                   introduction of the prose or poetry.
               A quotion is something spoken by people.
               A quotation is asking a question.
               An Exclamation Point is what causes supprise.
               Brackets set things off so they wont have any thing to do with the
               Grammer is how to talk good.
               Grammar gives us the languish.
               We study Grammer to get the senses.

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