Page 44 - English
P. 44

look out every nite and say oh ant the moon lovely. Thir is one thing
            I have not told and that is they always now their lessons bettern boys.

            On Timidity of Women.
            Timidity is a disease very prevelent among our American women. It
            is thought by them to be an ornament to their charms. How many
            young women faint by the sudden  appearance of a rat  from its
            hideing place. Oh! they do declare it’s impossible to live where these
            dreadful creatures make their homes they ask Ma cant she and wont
            she please to try to secure some remedy so they can be destroyed.
            You will see the young ladies leap up over stones and steps of great
            height so as to escape the barks of the dog, if they are walking with a
            friend of the  male  kind they will  cling to the masculine arm and
            beseach him to walk so that she might loose sight of that horrible
            creature known as a dog.
               I do think their cases of timidity that cannot be governed such as
            cases of intemperance fighting and death. We dont want to see any
            man come along the street destitute of reasoning and come reeling
            suddenly by you. Also the expectation of death when we see a loved
            sister going away from a cherished circle.
               It cannot be endured, but I have no objections for these cases but
            the preceding ones  are ridiculous and I beseach you to reject  it
            remembering you shall have to undergo greater trials  than those

            On Poverty.

            How many persons  possess it!  They are persons  whose poverty
            cannot be endured they had enjoyed preceding years in wealth and
            by some mishap in the family they became poor and how can they
            endeavor  to  forget  that  time when their happiness could not be
            expressed but now their troubles shall be discovered.
               Poverty is a case that cannot be hidden it must be let known so
            that the possessors may obtain condolence in some way. Places for
            poor persons are not of much importance for the care of them is not
            worth mentioning. Some poor persons with a great deal of poverty
            would  rather walk from house to house  in  search  of some

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