Page 42 - English
P. 42

On Occupation.
            I think if I should become a shoe manufacturer I should succeed as it
            is a very profitable occupation and shoes are necessary to all classes
            and consequently a large trade is a general thing.

            On Umbrellas.
            The matereal at the top of an umbrella is placed  on a skeleton of
            whales  which  meet all together in  one  place. They do be covered
            with silk, alpaca and Satan.

            On Indians.
            Indians go out naked in the summer an they take ahold of their scalp
            locks and cut off the other side of their heads. They wear it on their
            sides. Indians food consists of corn and food.  They use smoking
            instead of tanning. They paint their skind in the color of animals.

            George Washington.

            George Washington was the first president of the United States born
            in Virginia in the year. When George was a little boy he would never
            tell a lie. Because he thought it was not nice. It tis not nice nether. He
            studied all kinds of things to be a president.

            Abraham Lincoln.

            Abraham Lincoln was born in Wales in 1599. His father was a wool-
            comer, but Abraham did not like that trade. One day Abraham was
            standing on  the  railroad  and  a  man  by  the  name  of  Guitue  came
            behind and shot him. Then he got put in jail for it. But it was not nice
            of him because he shot him on the railroad.

            On Reading.
            Reading  makes  us  intelligent;  and  learn  about  things  we  would
            otherwise hear nothing. It is pleasant to recapitulate stories to
            persons who probably have not had the opportunity of reading them
            and it therefore passes many a dreary hour away and makes many a

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