Page 21 - Poetry-Animals
P. 21

The cupboard’s buttoned at the top
                   And bolted down below,
               There’s nothing open but the trap,
                   Wherever I may go.

               The dish is empty of the beans,
                   There’s nothing there to steal;
               The cat is sleeping on the bag
                   That holds the barley meal.

               I rather think she’s shamming, too,
                   I watched her nigh an hour,
               And thought a false composure lay
                   Upon her visage sour.

               “Are you a mouse, and know the house,
                   From garret floor to ground,
               And still afraid to make a raid
                   Because the cat’s around?

               If I could leave these babies
                   Without a mother’s care,
               I’d get a sackful, never fear,
                   And eat my supper there!”

               “I am a mouse, a brave one, too;
                   Another chance I’ll take:
               If I’m not back in half an hour
                   You’ll know the cat’s awake.

               —Palmer Cox (Little Folks, 1883)

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