Page 22 - Poetry-Animals
P. 22


             A bear who had been led
                Through Italy and France,
             Could stand upon his head
                And even gravely dance.

             Arriv’d at home, he tries
                To gain his due applause,
             And pleasantly surprise
                His friends with hoofs or paws.

             He seeks the monkey first,
                Displays his foreign graces;
             Pug’s cheeks with laughter burst
                At sight of his grimaces!

             “Friend Bruin, will you please
                To heed an honest neighbor?
             What I can do with ease,
                To you is heavy labour.

             “You were not made to dance
                You’re far too stiff a creature;
             Forget your trip to France,
                And leave yourself to nature.”

             The bear, enraged and hurt,
                At this appreciation,
             Went off, with answer curt,
                To see his next relation.

             He found the hog at home,
                And proudly glad to see
             So great a trav’ler come
                His visitor to be.

             The bear performs his feats;
                “What grace! what elegance!”
             The admiring hog repeats,
                “How charmingly you dance!”

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