Page 42 - Poetry-Animals
P. 42

A Difference of Opinion

             Qui M’aime, Aime Mon Chien!
             by C.P.

             Because he’s big, and wild, and black,
             And has undoubtedly a knack
             Of looking quite demoniac—
                           My poodle dog,

             Some friends of long acquaintance lack
             Courageousness his points to track,
             But from his innocent attack
                           (Sweet poodle dog)

             Will fly like mad, and turn and tack,
             Until I fear they’ll ne’er come back,
             And then I think his head to crack—
                           Poor poodle dog.

             But rather than my dog to whack,
             I’ll let all cowards race and pack,
             Deserting all—yea, each “man-jack”—
                           My poodle dog

             And me; for e’en if pain did wrack,
             Or he were tied up in a sack,
             His master he’d scent out and track—
                           Good poodle dog!

             So insincerity may quack
             On each clay of the almanack,
             I shall not feel alone with Jack,
                           My poodle dog.

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