Page 46 - Poetry-Animals
P. 46

Ode to Kittenhood

             Kitten mine! how full thy face is
             Of the most perplexing graces.
             Wingless butterfly thou art,
             Lightest throb on Nature’s heart.
             When I o’er thy sweetness rave,
             Or of thee affection crave,
             Thou dost give a toss of scorn,
             Followed by a—rosy yawn!
             I could censure if I would
             Such coy pranks of kittenhood!

             Life is a chromatic scale
             Of scampers after mouse and tail.
             And thy gladness never wavers,
             Breaking out in sharps and quavers.
             For thy days together flow
             One perpetual Allegro!
             Oh! that Music’s measure could
             But describe thy kittenhood!

             Then that sidelong pirouette,
             Dancer never rivaled yet!
             And my poet’s tongue must fail
             To convey that witching tail.
             Now a note of exclamation!
             Now a curved interrogation
             Point, to indicate each mood
             Of a changeful kittenhood.

             What a serpentine emotion
             Thrills thee at some novel notion;
             Head to tail there runs that shiver
             In an undulating quiver.
             Then to roll—a ball of fur
             With a liquid, crooning purr.
             Life to thee is all so good,
             Optimist of kittenhood!

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