Page 57 - Poetry-Animals
P. 57

How Many Cats Have We?

               We have a large catalpa-tree
                   The caterpillars seek.
               A dread stroke of catalysis
                   Left grandpa very weak.
               He feeds on nice Catawba grapes,
                   A cataclysm takes,
               With catachriston he is rubbed
                   Each morning when he wakes.
               Our maid has catalepsy,
                   And cataplasmus needs.
               The baby caterwauls for tea
                   Made from the catnip-weeds.
               Our hired man, who has catarrh,
                   Brings catfish from the lake.
               We heard a catamount scream out,
                   Our cattle made a break
               And ran straight to the cataract
                   Whose waters swell the sea,
               And headlong plunged, alas! It was
                   A sad catastrophe.
               We’ve catgut-strings to our guitar,
                   Cattails arranged in groups;
               We’ve cat gold in our oil-stoves,
                   And catsup in our soups.
               A cat-o’-nine-tails, uncle says,
                   He’ll from his vessel bring.
               A cat’s eye cater-cornered
                   Is set in sister’s ring.
               A catalogue of cats is here,
                   Perhaps about a score;
               You’ll make a cat’s paw out of me,
                   If you catechize for more.
               A category I’d be in
                   That hardly could be worse,
               If you should dub each random line
                   A catalectic verse.

               —Belle R. Harrison  (from a Victorian Scrap Album)

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