Page 63 - Poetry-Books
P. 63

A Reader’s Choice

               Let critics praise the thoughtful prose
                   Of warriors and of sages,
               Let maidens linger o’er the verse
                   Wherein the poet rages
               From these I turn without regret
                   To Advertising Pages.

               The authors drive unwilling pens
                   In search of novel plots;
               The poet’s lines are haunted by
                   The ghosts of those he blots;
               We smell the artist’s midnight oil
                   In all his lines and dots.

               But oh! the Advertiser,
                   He seeks untraveled ways
               We feel the eager wish to please
                   In every word he says;
               The other’s toil is hired,
                   For leave to speak he pays.

               No matter how inspired
                   The poet may seem to be,
               For every foot I give his price
                   Each throb is charged to me;
               The Advertiser’s efforts—
                   Are always thrown in, free.

               They greet one with “Good-morning!”
                   Sweet words of cheer and hope!—
               (What matter that they’re followed
                   By hints of toilet soap?)
               They offer us great padded chairs
                   In every kind of slope.

               A cup of chocolate is brought
                   Upon a dainty tray;
               Assorted jack-knives then are shown
                   In bluff and easy way;

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