Page 67 - Poetry-Books
P. 67


               But hist! What sound is that I seem to hear?
               The postman’s whistle breaks upon my ear.
               A missive from my publisher he brings
               In confirmation of my dream—he flings
               It through the open door.
                              Be quick to ope
               O trusty paper-knife, this envelope.


               Egad, it must be true; a check falls out,
               And here’s a statement of the sales, no doubt.

               Crescendo Appassionato Presto.

               Let’s see: one thousand copies printed, two
               Hundred and sixty-seven for review,
               And still on hand when this year was begun
               Ye Gods! no less than seven thirty-one.
               “Inclosed find twenty cents in royalty—
               Two copies sold!” Scott! They were bought by me!


               Roll on, drear world, nor stop to think of me.
               I go to-day across the salt, salt sea.
               I’ll head for Russia, where, the Czar defied,
               I’ll save myself th’ expense of suicide.

               — John Kendrick Bangs (Century Magazine, 1892)

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