Page 89 - Poetry-Books
P. 89

The Pencil

               The pencil heaved a weary sigh
                   And murmured to the pen:
               “I’ve never felt so out of sorts
                   Since—oh, I don’t know when!

               “The penknife treats me shamefully.
                   It cuts me in the street,
               And really is extremely sharp
                   Whene’er we chance to meet.

               “And when I broke the other day
                   Beneath its bitter stroke,
               It said it didn’t see the point,
                   No more did I the joke !

               “With many troubles I’m depressed,
                   My heart feels just like lead.”
               The pen mopped up an inky tear:
                   “I weep for you,” it said.

               —(Windsor Magazine, 1900, from The Cleveland Plain Dealer)

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