Page 87 - Poetry-Books
P. 87

More English As She Is Pronounced.

               There was an old party named Cholmondeley,
               Whose life was passed hopelessly glolmondeley,
                   He once didn’t speak
                   For more than a week,
               During which his replies were made dolmondeley.

               — (Windsor Magazine, 1899)

               The Beauties of English Orthography

               A pretty deer is dear to me,
                   A hare with downy hair,
               A hart I love with all my heart.
                   But barely bear a bear.

               ‘Tis plain that no one takes a plane.
                   To have a pair of pears,
               Although a rake may take a rake
                   To tear away the tares.

               A scribe in writing right may write.
                   May write and still be wrong;
               For write and rite are neither right,
                   And don’t to right belong.

               Robertson is not Robert’s son,
                   Nor did he rob Burt’s son,
               Yet Robert’s sun is Robin’s sun.
                   And everybody’s sun.

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