Page 27 - Poetry-Country
P. 27

O You Fellers in th’ City

               O you fellers in th’ city,
                   Think you got it awful fine,
               An’ you grow consummit witty
                   Ez you say how you repine
               Fur a trip into th’ kentry
                   Whur everything is green,
               Especially th’ gentry—
                   Th’ kentry folk, you mean.

               I ain’t hed much experiment
                   With ways o’ city folk;
               But atween th’ hot brick pavement
                   An’ th’ clouds o’ dust an’ smoke
               An’ the noise o’ squawlin’ huckster,
                   Ez shore ‘z th’ day my birth
               I think it’s jes a picter
                   O ‘ th’ devil’s home on earth.

               I like t’ take a quiet walk,
                   An’ watch th’ bumble-bee
               Go buzzin’ in a hollyhock,
                   An’ tumble ‘roun’ tel he
               Gits yaller with th’ golden dus’,
                   An’ s’ lazy he falls down,
               But gits his wings a-flyin’ jes
                   Afore he strikes th’ groun’.

               I like t’ set down on th’ grass,
                   My back agin a tree,
               An’ watch th’ lazy water pass
                   (It seems thet way t’ me)
               Pass down an’ through th’ medder
                   In th’ crookedest o’ ways,
               Tel it runs into th’ river
                   An’ there I guess it stays.

               When work is finished fur th’ day,
                   An’ eatin’ ’s finished, too,
               I like t’ smell th’ clover-hay

                                           ~ 25 ~
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