Page 30 - Poetry-Country
P. 30

A Sheaf of Farm Superstitions

             A FAMILY WEAKNESS.

             I would n’ be bound down
             Believin’ signs and things
             Like Uncle Jerry Finckleys air
             Fer fifty cents. Can’t go anywhere,
             Ner do a trick, unlest the signs is right.
             When the peacocks sings
             They stays at home from town
             Fer fear of measles;
             Hev a seprut sign fer dogs
             A-howlin’, and mewlin’ cats,
             An’ hoppin’ frogs,
             An’ snaky weasels.
             An’ when they see the bogie bats
             A-huntin’ pixies by the light
             Of jack-a-lamps,
             They flunk and pray in sech a plight
             It gives ‘em cramps.
             Folks air short fer sense
             Thet takes along thet way:
             The’r lives makes more expense
             Than all the profits pay.
             Use reason—
                Ther’! go slow,
             You idiot! Don’t you know
             Any more ‘n lug that hoe
             In the house, a-temptin’ death?
             I swan, you’ve scart my breath
             Clean away. You plegged fool,
             Little more’n you’ll jest go
             An’ do some mischief with the tool.

             THE CHARM.

             To break the spell when bad signs come,
             Go to the barn an’ jest take some—
             Chaff up on the cockle screen,
             An’ shake it slowly, like you’ve seen

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