Page 10 - Poetry-Family
P. 10

Costing a thousand, if you please—
                They’ll save themselves to boot.

             The only gain a man can urge
             Is, in this way you make a splurge,
                And give the poor employment;
             You scatter thus abroad your wealth,
             And in return you lose your health
                And relish for enjoyment.

             No Esculapian can give
             A better recipe to live
                Than this (who will, may read it),
             For all your bilious ills ‘twill cure;
             Cook your food plain, and then, be sure,
                Eat not! unless you need it.

             And now, will you please let me say,
             In this my plain and homely way,
                What will the evil mend?
             Spend all the money that you can,
             And save yourself, should be your plan;
                So thinketh an old friend.

             —(Godey’s, 1860)

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