Page 11 - Poetry-Family
P. 11

Culinary Couplets

               Always have lobster sauce with salmon,
               And put mint sauce your roasted lamb on.

               Veal cutlets dip in egg and bread crum—
               Fry till you see a brownish red come.

               Grate Gruyere cheese on macaroni;
               Make the top crisp but not too bony.

               In venison gravy, currant jelly
               Mix with old port—see Francattelli.

               In dressing salad, mind this law—
               With two hard yolks use one that’s raw.

               Roast veal with rich stock gravy serve;
               And pickled mushrooms, too, observe.

               Roast pork, sans apple-sauce, past doubt,
               Is “Hamlet” with the Prince left out.

               Your mutton-chops with paper cover,
               And make them amber brown all over.

               Broil lightly your beefsteaks—to fry it
               Argues contempt of Christian diet.

               Kidneys a finer flavor gain
               By stewing them in good champagne.

               Buy stall-fed pigeons. When you’ve got them,
               The way to cook them is to pot them.

               Woodgrouse are dry when gumps have marred ‘em—
               Before you roast ‘em always lard ‘em.

               To roast spring chickens is to spoil ‘em.
               Just split ‘em down the back and broil ‘em.

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