Page 31 - Poetry-Family
P. 31

The Housekeeper’s Soliloquy

               There’s a big washing to be done—
                   One pair of hands to do it
               Sheets, shirts and stockings, coats and pants,
                   How will I e’er get through it?

               Dinner to get for six or more.
                   No loaf left o’er from Sunday;
               And baby cross as he can live—
                   He’s always so on Monday.

               ‘Tis time the meat was in the pot,
                   The bread was worked for baking,
               The clothes were taken from the boil—
                   Oh dear! the baby’s waking!

               Hush, baby dear! there, hush-sh-sh!
                   I wish he’d sleep a little.
               Till I could run and get some wood
                   To hurry up the kettle.

               Oh dear! oh dear! if P— comes home.
                   And finds things in this pother,
               He’ll just begin and tell me all
                   About his tidy mother!

               How nice her kitchen used to be,
                   Her dinner always ready
               Exactly when the noon-bell rang—
                   Hush, hush, dear little Freddy!

               And then will come some hasty words,
                   Right out before I’m thinking—
               They say that hasty words from wives
                   Set sober men to drinking.

               Now is not that a great idea,
                   That men should take to sinning,
               Because a weary, half-sick wife
                   Can’t always smile so winning?

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