Page 36 - Poetry-Family
P. 36


             Taking down the pictures,
                Dusting off the wall—
             “Not at home this morning
                Should there be a call.”
             Toast and eggs for breakfast—
                Things turned upside down—
             Wife and girl a-jawing—
                Husband skips for town.
             Taking up the carpets—
                Tacks and dust for lunch—
             Boy, for asking questions
                Gets from me a punch.
             Washing off the windows—
                Doors all open—wide—
             She with a pail and dust-pan
                Used to be my bride.

             No fire in the furnace—
                Bell goes on the ring—
             “Cleaning house to-day, m’m,
                First day of the spring.”
             Night! a doctor calling—
                Wife done up in bed,
             Husband scoots for drug store;
                Clerk asks who is dead.
             Night reporter’s item:
                “Coroner had a ring
             For a stiff found floating—
                First one of the spring.
             Verdict of the jury—
                Foreman, sly old mouse—
             “Suicide from torment,
                Caused by cleaning house.”
             —(Chicago Herald)

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